Hi Codeforces,
ICPC Amritapuri 2020 Preliminary Round will be held on Codedrills today.
Contest Details
- Contest Link — ICPC Amritapuri 2020 Preliminary Round
- Date & Time — 7 August 2021, Saturday, 18:00 IST
- Duration — 2.5 Hours
- There will be 6 problems to solve
- Will follow standard ICPC scoring system (20 minutes penalty and 1 point per problem)
- The questions may not be sorted by difficulty
Selection Criteria
- 700 slots are available for the regional (out of ~4400 teams registered for online round)
- Top team from each institution is selected first, to compete in the regional round
- Rest of the slots are filled in the rank order
- Only ask the clarifications about the problems by messaging the private clarification group via discuss.
- Do not ask any doubts about the problems on this blog till the contest ends.
Problem Discussion
- There will be a problem discussion session at 6 PM IST, 9th August on YouTube — the details of which will be added to the Amrita ICPC page later, and also sent through email.
- The session video is available here.
- Solution slides used during the session can be accessed here.
Good luck to all the teams.
Edit: Due to the bug in the code editor during the contest, all penalties on duplicate submissions will be removed.
Edit 2 — Credits:
- Chief Judge: Balajiganapathi Balajiganapathi S
- Contest Admin: Vichitr Vichitr Gandas
- Problem Coordinators: Ashish Ashishgup Gupta, Kevin kevinsogo Atienza, Vaibhav xennygrimmato Tulsyan
- Setters: Ajinkya ajinkya1p3 Parab, Vichitr Vichitr Gandas, Divyansh failed_coder Verma, Udit T1duS Sanghi
- Testers: Kshitij kshitij_sodani Sodani, Ashish Ashishgup Gupta, Kevin kevinsogo Atienza, Naveen mnaveenkumar2009 Kumar, Soumyaditya socho Choudhuri, Shashwat shashwatchan Chandra, Suneet ScarletS Mahajan, Ajinkya ajinkya1p3 Parab, Vichitr Vichitr Gandas, Divyansh failed_coder Verma, Udit T1duS Sanghi, Ritul ritul_kr_singh Singh, Het hetshah1998 Shah, Varad playing_it_my_way Kulkarni, Aswin aswinashok44 Ashok, Mayank katana_handler Pugalia, Daanish 7dan Mahajan and Vaibhav xennygrimmato Tulsyan
- Platform Coordinator: Deepa deepa_panwar Panwar
- RCD: Maheshwara anandoham Chaitanya
Edit 3: The editorials for all the problems can be found on their respective problem pages. Huge shout out to kevinsogo for the detailed editorials with elaborate proofs :D
- Final ranklist has been published after removing the teams whose plagiarism reports came positive.
- Number of regional slots has been increased to 750. The current de-duping of colleges is final.
- If plagiarism accused teams successfully claim it to be false positive, they would be added to the list additionally. (ie the number of slots would further increase in this case).
- Check the final ranklist and qualified list here.
Regional Round:
- More details about registration and further process for Regional round is available here.
- Please use ICPC ID in the payment form where it asks for team ID.
Suppose I ranked under 700 but in my college my team rank is 3 will i have any chance to get selected for Regionals?
Note: I am NOT involved with code drills or any other groups managing this round, I'm just a participant mentioning my understanding lol. If you want a formal confirmation to this ask Vichitr, Balajiganapathi, Ashishgup or someone else involved with the round.
While one of the regional officials can clarify it better, as far as I've understood you still have a chance in that case but a slim one (at $$$rank \leq 700$$$, if you can do $$$rank \leq 300$$$ then your chances are higher).
Basically the algorithm runs like this (as far as I've understood):
Generate final rank list
Let $$$x$$$ be the number of distinct colleges, add the highest ranked team from each college to the selected team list and remove them from the rank list.
In the remaining rank list take the top $$$700 - x$$$ teams.
So getting an initial rank $$$\leq 700 - x$$$ will be 100% safe, but for any number $$$[700 - x, 700]$$$ there is hypothetically a chance. I believe that there are around $$$450$$$ teams (unofficial numbers from scraping the icpc regionals page), so this becomes around $$$250$$$ teams by absolute rank in the worst case.
Practically since at least some of the first rank teams will be in the top $$$700$$$ initially, I'd guess absolute rank cutoff after removing top teams will be somewhere like rank $$$300$$$ or $$$350$$$. Of course that is just a guess which might be totally wrong.
Hey, can we use online IDE for the coding round. Because the ide on coderills is not very good in terms of autocompletion indentation etc.
I am NOT involved with code drills or any other groups managing this round, I'm just a participant mentioning my understanding lol. If you want a formal confirmation to this ask Vichitr, Balajiganapathi, Ashishgup or someone else involved with the round.
Yes, ensure any code you do online is private and not public. Even unintentionally making a problem public can result in failing plag checks.
Also as an extension to this, I'd like to ask for clarification something:
Suppose the (unlikely) scenario of all teams from a college failing to solve any problems occurs. In this case how do you decide first team from that college? Or is it just supposed to be "Top team from each institution which has solved at least one problem is selected first, to compete in the regional round"
Atleast one problem has to be solved.
I calculated
Till rank 700 there are 165 unique organizations
Teams solving at least one problem will receive t-shirt (for each member).
This statement in the email was for teams solving one question in regional round or preliminary? If we solve a problem in today's preliminary round then do we get tshirts?
Sorry, no idea. Please mail Amrita to clarify this.
I think for prelims. Hopefully
Good luck to all the teams!
All the best guys :)
Ashishgup went from: https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/62666 to https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/64033 to https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/93632
Be the change you want to see in the world :P
My new favourite hobby is trolling Telegram groups during ICPC.
let $$$k$$$ = min(k,maximum no. of nodes that can be taken)
$$$k*h$$$ is small
Also, nice try on the Alien's trick solutions. Most of the solutions were that. Simple edge case for that:
$$$n = 4$$$
$$$A[1] = 9,A[2] = 5,A[3] = 5,A[4] = 5$$$
edges: $$$1-2,1-3,1-4$$$
Answer for $$$h = 2$$$ and $$$k = 1,2,3$$$ respectively is $$$9,10,15$$$
The function isn't convex.
(Actually, the initial intended solution was Alien's trick but we quickly found that it didn't work)
Sad to see no ACs on this problem :'(
I am not a participant isn't it just normal tree dp and rerooting, like we will consider root node as taken and then apply 0-1 dp like recursive structure in subtree, as root node is taken we will just get our candidates by selecting Hth child if not then we can select anything after Hth child and potential candidate set size will be K.
I could get my sol down to a complexity of n^(7/3) which should pass, although getting rid of wa is still a headache
finally debugged the wa
Great problemset!
How to access other teams submission?
From the scoreboard, you can see others' submissions.
Is the intended solution to D matrix exponentiation, or is there a different solution?
We did it using Binary Lifting + some modifications in LIS.
Nope, Matrix Expo wasn't intended soln.
Matrix expo isn't intended. Q*26*26 dp is standard. Now we can see that atmax 26 times we will change characters. So we just need to calculate dp till 26 and for the rest we'll be inserting the same character subsequences
Is there a clean way to code this though (considering case of looping at some optimal character (ch --> ch -> ... -> ch -> ch))? One of our team members spent around 15-20 mins trying to code the dp before thinking of the matrix expo idea.
http://p.ip.fi/-T4S This was my code. I wrote this a month ago so don't remember the details now.
Here's a clean implementation, though the complexity increases from $$$O(A^2 N + A^2 \min(A, Q))$$$ to $$$O(A^2 N + A^3 \min(A, Q))$$$ where $$$A = 26$$$ is the alphabet size.
If $$$f(a, b) =$$$ longest good subsequence in some string which ends with character $$$a$$$ and starts with a character $$$c \ge b$$$.
You can restate the DP as finding the max cost walk of length atmost $$$Q$$$ on the graph with $$$A$$$ nodes whose each edges have weight $$$f(a, b)$$$ (for all $$$b \le a$$$).
Note that if you remove the self-loops, the graph is a DAG. Thinking in these terms its easy to notice that you can find an optimal solution with all self-loop traversals occuring at the same node.
Now you can find $$$dp[i][a][b] =$$$ max cost to travel from node $$$b \to a$$$ in atmost $$$i$$$ steps for $$$i \le \min(A, Q)$$$. You can the iterate over all $$$O(A^3 \min(A, Q))$$$ possible combination of $$$a \to b \to b \to c$$$ paths where $$$a\to b$$$ has length $$$i \le \min(A, Q)$$$.
Nope.We can use the observation that the character increases atmost 26 times.There exists an optimal solution in which all the strings with all characters same are of the exact same character.my code
very nice problem set!
What if number of insitutes participating is more than $$$700$$$ ? Does that mean that only one team will go from each?
For example, the team
Return 0
fromIndian Institute of Technology - Patna
is ranked6th
but it won't be selected as there's another team from this institute with a better rank?Also, does anyone have an estimate on the number of institutes?
Yeah, this rule is totally unfair to many teams for obvious reasons.
Estimated number of colleges
Does anybody know how many unique institutes are there who solved atleast one problem?
I calculated and it's 419 unique institutes
Does that only include those who solved atleast one problem?
Did you remove instances of same colleges having multiple names? Such as IIT Delhi and Indian Institute of Technology — Delhi.
One college only have one acceptable name in baylor site, so it should be unique here also.
Sad_reacts_only No there are still some teams under some college but have used different instances.
Such as : 31 teams registered as "Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Campus" and 2 teams registered as "BITS PILANI, PILANI CAMPUs", names of those two teams : "First_timers", "Diabolical Masterminds"
All these 33 teams seem to be from same college (bits pilani, main campus) but have 2 instances in the list. Balajiganapathi Please look into it.
Another example:
44 teams registered as "Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi" and 5 teams registered as "Indian Institute of Technology — Varanasi"
When will the final ranklist be published?
Balajiganapathi could you please tell us the date when the final ranklist will be prepared?
When will the results be announced?
Can we have the test cases of all the problems please?
Can anyone tell how to solve C ?
I liked Problem F.
Nice problem.
Is the regional round offline this year?
Check this blog on codedrills
How is this approach for problem Minimum_weight Bi partition is wrong?
First find the connected components for the graph. consider the edges in spanning tree(MST) of every connected connected component ,they will be considered in the final edges list answer since every spanning tree in each connected component will be bipartite.
Now we just need to connect these connected components using (no of CCs-1) new edges.
We will create a sorted vector of $$$pair<int,pair<int,int»$$$ which will store
{index of connected components,{value A[i],node}}
Let c=no of connected components so we find the position of transition from first index to next index and will add $$$abs(A[i]-A[i-1])$$$ in final weight and add edges $$${i,i-1}$$$ in final edge list.
like for first test case
sorted vector is {0,{1,1}},{1,{2,2}},{1,{3,3}},{1,{4,4}},{1,{5,5}} we will find which new edge to add using upper_bound({c,{1e9+5,1e9+5}}) for every c and calculate the final answer weight and list of edges.
why do you think this would give minimum weight?
Did anyone notice how fast the server was?
It was really amazing today. I've never seen a faster verdict by an OJ across all competitions. Kudos to the ICPC Amritapuri 2020 team!
Haha thanks!
Credit goes to deepa_panwar for extensive load testing of server. Also we increased number of worker nodes to almost double of what we estimated with highest number of submissions!
Glad that Codedrills gave a great experience to the participants!
Thanks! A lot of effort went into making that happen, as the contest was the first time we were facing such high load. deepa_panwar and I will be sharing how we optimized the platform and the challenges we faced during that in the problem discussion session, do join and watch :)
Yes please.
I'd personally love to see the changes that were done and how it affected the final costs amongst the others
Can that session be recorded and put on YouTube, please.
When the official results will be announced?
Team at rank 82 -- Delhi Technological University
Team at rank 98 -- Delhi Technological University(Formerly DCE)
I hope so they will take care of this duplication.
Removing these will let more deserving teams to get a slot.
"deserving" ? lol
1 ABES Engineering College
2 ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management Gwalior
3 Academy of Technology, Hooghly
4 Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research
5 Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering
6 Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad
7 Aligarh Muslim University
8 Amity University Uttar Pradesh Lucknow Campus
9 Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore
10 Amrita School of Engineering, Kollam
11 Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences
12 Army Institute of Technology
13 Assam Engineering College
14 Atharva College of Engineering
15 B.N.M. Institute Of Technology
16 BIT Sindri
18 BITS-Pilani, Goa Campus
19 BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
20 BML Munjal University
21 Bengal Institute of Technology, Tech Town
22 Bennett University
23 Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, Delhi
24 Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg
25 Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Campus
26 Birla Institute of Technology, Jaipur
27 Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
28 Birla Institute of Technology, Patna
29 Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya Engineering College
30 Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jhansi
31 C.V. Raman College Of Engineering
32 CMR College of Engineering & Technology
33 CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore
34 CMR Technical Campus
35 CMR University
36 CV Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar
37 CVR College of Engineering
38 Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology
39 Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology, Chandigarh
40 Chandigarh University
41 Chennai Mathematical Institute
42 Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology
43 Chitkara University
44 Christ University
45 College of Engineering and Technology
46 College of Engineering, Pune
47 D Y Patil International University
48 DAV Institute of Engineering And Technology
49 DIT University
50 DJ Sanghvi College of Engineering
52 Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
53 Dayananda Sagar University
54 Delhi Technological University
55 Delhi Technological University(Formerly DCE)
56 Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi
57 Devi Ahilya University
58 Dharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology
59 Dharmsinh Desai University
60 Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar
61 Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology
62 Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University
63 Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped, Kanpur
64 Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
65 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University
66 Dronacharya College of Engineering
67 Engineering College Bikaner
68 Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Mumbai
69 Future Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata
70 G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology
71 G.B. Pant Engineering College — Pauri India
72 G.H.Patel College of Engineering and Technology
73 GITAM (Deemed to be University)
74 GLA University, Mathura
75 Ganeshi Lal Bajaj Institute Of Technology And Management
76 Gaya College Of Engineering
77 Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
78 Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology
79 Government College of Engineering, Amravati
80 Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
81 Government College of Engineering, Nagpur
82 Government College of Technology, Coimbatore
83 Government Engineering College Raipur
84 Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar
85 Govind B. Pant Univ. of Agril. & Tech
86 Govind Ballabh Pant Engineering College, Delhi
87 Graphic Era University
88 Guru Ghasidas University
89 Guru Jambheshwar University
90 Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
91 Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya
92 HMR Institute of Technology and Management
93 Haldia Institute of Technology, Kolkata
94 Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur
95 Harcourt Butler Technological Institute — Kanpur
96 Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata
97 IIIT Vadodara
98 IIIT-Delhi
99 IIT Bhubaneswar
100 IMS Engineering College
104 Indian Institute Of Information Technology Agartala
105 Indian Institute Of Information Technology, Kottayam
106 Indian Institute Of Technology Jodhpur
107 Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
108 Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior
109 Indian Institute of Information Technology — Allahabad
110 Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad
111 Indian Institute of Information Technology Bhopal
112 Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing Kancheepuram
113 Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing, Kurnool
114 Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati
115 Indian Institute of Information Technology Kalyani
116 Indian Institute of Information Technology Kota
117 Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam
118 Indian Institute of Information Technology Nagpur
119 Indian Institute of Information Technology Pune
120 Indian Institute of Information Technology Senapati, Manipur
121 Indian Institute of Information Technology Sri City
122 Indian Institute of Information Technology, Dharwad
123 Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani
124 Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow
125 Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sonepat
126 Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
127 Indian Institute of Information Technology, Surat
128 Indian Institute of Information Technology, Una
129 Indian Institute of Information Technology,Una
130 Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi
131 Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad
132 Indian Institute of Technology — Bhilai
133 Indian Institute of Technology — Bombay
134 Indian Institute of Technology — Delhi
135 Indian Institute of Technology — Gandhinagar
136 Indian Institute of Technology — Guwahati
137 Indian Institute of Technology — Hyderabad
138 Indian Institute of Technology — Indore
139 Indian Institute of Technology — Jodhpur
140 Indian Institute of Technology — Kanpur
141 Indian Institute of Technology — Kharagpur
142 Indian Institute of Technology — Madras
143 Indian Institute of Technology — Mandi
144 Indian Institute of Technology — Patna
145 Indian Institute of Technology — Roorkee
146 Indian Institute of Technology — Ropar
147 Indian Institute of Technology — Varanasi
148 Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai
149 Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad
150 Indian Institute of Technology Goa
151 Indian Institute of Technology Jammu
152 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
153 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
154 Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
155 Indian Institute of Technology and Management in Atal Bihari V
156 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
157 Indian Institute of Technology, Palakkad
158 Indian Institute of Technology, Tirupati
159 Indian Institute of Technology-Tirupati
160 Indian Statistical Institute
161 Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women
162 Indore Institute of Science and Technology
163 Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology
164 Institute of Engineering & Technology — Devi Ahilya Univ.
165 Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow
166 Institute of Engineering and Management, Calcutta
167 Institute of Engineering and Technology -DAVV -Indore
168 Institute of Technical Education & Research
169 International Institute of Information Technology — Bangalore
170 International Institute of Information Technology — Hyderabad
171 International Institute of Information Technology — Naya Raipur
172 International Institute of Information Technology Bhubaneswar
173 International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
174 JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad
175 JSS Academy Of Technical Education
176 JSS Academy of Technical Education Noida
177 Jabalpur Engineering College
178 Jadavpur University
179 Jadavpur University, Kolkata
180 Jaipur Engineering College & Research Centre
181 Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College- Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology
182 Jamia Milia Islamia
183 Jamia Millia Islamia
184 Jaypee Institute of Information Technology
185 Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University
186 Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna
187 Jaypee University of Information Technology
188 K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyavihar, Mumbai
189 K.R. Mangalam University
191 KIIT University
192 KLE Technological University
193 Kalinga Institute Of Industrial Technology,Bhubaneswar
194 Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology
195 Kalyani Government Engineering College
196 Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology
197 Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology
198 L. D. College of Engineering
199 L.D. College of Engineering
200 LDRP Institute of Technology and Research
201 Lakshmi Narain College of Technology
202 Lovely Professional University
203 M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology
204 MBM College of Engineering, Jodhpur
205 MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College
206 MIT ADT School of Engineering
207 MLR Institute of Technology
208 Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology-Gorakhpur
209 Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior
210 Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology
211 Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology
212 Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak
213 Malla Reddy Engineering College
214 Malviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
215 Manipal Institute of Technology
216 Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal
217 Manipal University Jaipur
218 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
219 Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal
220 Moradabad Institute of Technology
221 Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology — Allahabad
222 Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering, NMIMS University
225 NIT Andhra Pradesh
227 NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad
228 Nalanda College Of Engineering, Chandi, Nalanda, Bihar
229 Narula Institute of Technology
230 National Institute of Engineering, Mysore
231 National Institute of Technology Agartala
232 National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh
233 National Institute of Technology Calicut
234 National Institute of Technology Delhi
235 National Institute of Technology Goa
236 National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
237 National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkul
238 National Institute of Technology Manipur
239 National Institute of Technology Meghalaya
240 National Institute of Technology Patna
241 National Institute of Technology Puducherry, Karaikal
242 National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand
243 National Institute of Technology, Calicut
244 National Institute of Technology, Durgapur
245 National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur
246 National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur
247 National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra
248 National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya
249 National Institute of Technology, Patna
250 National Institute of Technology, Raipur
251 National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
252 National Institute of Technology, Silchar
253 National Institute of Technology, Srinagar
254 National Institute of Technology, Trichy
255 National Institute of Technology, Warangal
256 National institute of Technology, Uttarakhand
257 Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata
258 Netaji Subhash University Of Technology
259 Netaji Sushas University of Technology
260 Nirma Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad
261 Nirma University
262 Oriental Institute of Science and Technology — Bhopal
263 PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur
264 PEC University of Technology
265 PES University Electronic City Campus
266 PSG College of Technology
267 PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research
268 PVG's College of Engineering and Technology & G.K. Pate (Wani) Institute of Management
269 Padmasri Dr. B.V. Raju Institute Of Technology
270 Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
271 Panjab University Swami Sarvanand Giri Regional Center
272 Pimpri-Chinchwad College Of Engineering
273 Pondicherry Engineering College
274 Pranveer SIngh Institute of Technology
275 Pune Institute of Computer Technology
276 Punjab Engineering College
277 Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh
278 RCC Institute of Information Technology, Beliaghata, Kolkata, West Bengal
279 RK University
280 RNS Institute of Technology
281 Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology
282 Rajasthan Institute of Engineering Technology, Jaipur
283 Rajasthan Technical University Kota
284 Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur
285 Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Petroleum Technology
286 Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Mumbai
287 Ramkrishna Mahato Government Engineering College
288 Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology
289 Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering
290 Rashtriya Raksha University
291 SIES Graduate School of Technology
292 SRM Institute Of Science and Technology
293 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus
294 SRM University AP
295 SRM University NCR CAMPUS
296 Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology
297 Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
298 Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology
299 Sastra University
300 Satish Chander Dhawan Government College Dist Ludhiana, Punjab
301 School of Engineering Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi
302 School of Engineering and Applied Science, Ahmedabad University
303 Shiv Nadar University
304 Shree L.R Tiwari College Of Engineering
305 Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science
306 Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science, Indore
307 Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institue of Engineering and Technology
308 Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur
309 Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional Management and Technology
310 Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalya
311 Sinhgad College of Engineering
312 Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology
313 Sona College of Technology, Salem
314 Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering
315 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering
316 Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Tirupati
317 St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore
318 Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology
319 Symbiosis Institute of Technology
321 Techno Main Salt Lake (formerly known as Techno India Salt Lake)
322 Thadomal Shahani Engineering College
323 Thakur College of Engineering and Technology
324 Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology
325 The LNM Institute of Information Technology
326 Thiagarajar College of Engineering
327 University College of Engineering and Technology, Vinoba Bhave University
328 University Institute of Engineering & Technology, CSJMU, Kanpur
329 University Institute of Engineering and Technology
330 University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kurukshetra University
331 University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University
332 University Institute of Technology — RGPV
333 University School of Information Technology
334 University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering
335 University of Calcutta
336 VIT Bhopal University
337 VIT University Chennai Campus
338 VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering & Technology
339 Vasavi College of Engineering
340 Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology
341 Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute
342 Velammal Engineering College
343 Vellore Institute of Technology
344 Vellore Institute of Technology — Andhra Pradesh
345 Vidyavardhini's College of Engineering and Technology
346 Vignan Institute of Technology & Science
347 Vishnu Institute of Technology
348 Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
349 Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology
350 Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
351 Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur
352 Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology
353 Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
354 YMCA University of Science and Technology, Faridabad
355 Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering
356 Zakir Hussain College of Engineering & Technology — Amu
This list is from this year's Amritapuri prelims? If it is, its not complete. My college is not listed there, and I participated.
Sorry for the mistake there were some bugs it's now corrected
Those who clear the prelims and are selected for the regionals will they get any certificate or goodies?
Yesterday, I saw on the Kanpur Regionals site, they sad that they are not conducting any prelim this year. So isn't it unfair that those who participated in Amritapuri Preliminary have to clear one round extra? Balajiganapathi
Number of teams are very different in both regionals. Also, there is supposed to be a prelim round but due to tight deadline not all regionals can have it.
How is this unfair? You had choice to withdraw the registration and participate in other regionals which dont have any prelims. Still you did participate! This was your own decision. You can't call it unfair in anyway.
And there should have been prelims for all. Some regionals didn't have much time hence they couldn't host a prelims.
Although I agree with you, I would still call it unfair. The "choice" of withdrawing registration and participating in other regionals wasn't really a "choice". Our team almost missed the registration deadline for another regional we wanted to apply to because everything is happening at very short notice.
Also, I just went to the ICPC baylor site, to check the registration numbers ( I don't know if what I see is accurate though ), but I can see only around 170 teams registered for Kanpur Regionals, and around 400 teams registered for Pune Gwalior site. Given that there were around 4k registrations for Amrita prelims, what do you make of this??
That there is registration fees in other regions whereas it's free in Amritapuri. Nothing else.
Umm, there is a registration fee for Amrita regionals as well. It's only the preliminary round that was free ( know your facts ).
Also, every year a lot of participants go for regionals, filling up most spots. This year should have easily seen more registrations because of covid-19 and how everyone is more available, especially since you also don't have to think about traveling to the regional site physically. Additionally, this year's fees for regionals are very nominal, compared to previous years.
I think what you counting as pros are actually cons for people. People want to go onsite for regionals rounds. Thats what ICPC is all about for normal people like me (who can't reach world finals). Also, talking of facts, the 4k number you talked about in your 1st comment was for preliminary round, not regional round so I will say it's better to actually understand the fact instead of just knowing them. For regional round it will be definitely less than 700.
Also there was something to achieve/stand out in Amritapuri that is clearing preliminary round. There is no such thing in other regions.
Bro! even if you have slightest of chance of reaching world finals, then you would easily clear this prelims cut-off, even if you are not first from your college.
The thing is not chances of reaching world finals. Acc. to me, Fairess is more important.
Is there any plagiarism check of this round? I think many teams will get disqualified and deserving teams can get chance
anybody here who is facing (competing from another university this year) error when registering for other sites?
Yes i was facing that error, so i made new id. I dont know if that legal or illegal
Any idea ... When the final result will announce.
Me and my team ranked 3rd in college and 994 rank overall. Though we did not qualify for the next round, it was a good experience solving some really interesting questions.
Is result announced?
It is mentioned on the selection criteria on this page as follows :
Selection Criteria
700 slots are available for the regional (out of ~4400 teams registered for online round) Top team from each institution is selected first, to compete in the regional round Rest of the slots are filled in the rank order.
According to it , I figured out.
But my ques was is official results announced??? Like which teams are qualified.
It will be announced by tomorrow evening
ICPC Amrita Prelims Problem Discussion Session
Hey guys! We will be live here https://www.facebook.com/AmritaSchoolofEngineeringCoimbatore from 6 PM IST. Join in for the fun!
Solution for String and LIS.
Can you give solution fopr problem A: Break,Merge & Sort
Hey Editorial is published now. You can check it out on problem page.
Also you can see anyone's solution from scoreboard!
In the solution discussion of Prelims they said Finals Result will be announced within next 1 to 2 days .
When will the results come?
By today evening, as per yesterday's problem discussion session.
did they announce results
The final ranklist and qualified teams have been published here. Note that plagiarised teams have been excluded.
Is there a separate list of teams that are qualified for regionals?
This sheet contains all the teams who participated ig.
Final qualified ranklist contains some duplicate college names. So, they made it private and will release after fixing that.
Earlier there were two seprate lists Qualified and Final Rank list. But now only Final rank list is visible.
do you have the list of qualified
Qualified Teams
plz note these is an older version !
Our team had scored a rank of 76 in the online round but row no. 76 is missing in the Excel sheet, can you please look in the matter.
If a team is not on the final rank list, it was due to plag check coming positive. For plag checks, we ran automated plag checks, then the setting team looked at each positive result, then Amrita looked at it, and then I and Vichitr personally looked at the final list. So each result was checked by atleast 4 people and was only disqualified if all 4 agreed. Please do not personally ping any of the setting team or admins for information. The ONLY way to escalate this if you are sure is to ask your coach to mail icpc@am.amrita.edu.
Can you please provide us the details of the plag checks. Regionals are just after 4 days and facing such issues at this time is really a shocking thing for a team which is preparing from a year for this contest.
You can ask your coach to mail if you are sure you did not share or copy.
Our coach wont even reply to our request. He is just a professor in our college who can't be bothered with these stuffs. There is no way he sends an email and guys at amritapuri.com whatever check our code and add our team to qualified list before the contest which is in 2 days. You guys have to recheck the code otherwise it will be extremely unfair for our and some other teams which I see have been removed from the ranklist but are unlikely to cheat in a prelim contest.
PR_0202 towrist master ranked people are also cheating. Such a shame !
I used to look up to Master as a rank where plagiarism is non existent. But it looks like people like you cheat behind the scenes.
Now I'm happy that I'm not orange.
And now i know how PR_0202 became CM and M so fast.
Plag checks positive doesn't necessarily mean cheating. It can also be due to false positives or unintentional sharing of solutions (e.g. via keeping public in online editors). I would avoid calling anyone with plag positive a cheater outright. Please refrain from doing that.
Mail Amrita with the info.
Rather than wasting your time complaining here, better would be to mail amrita and put your coach in cc too with all your team details. We have no idea by your username who you are? And will it be fair to other participants if we give special preference to you and pass your code even if it is clearly failing plag check? Please try to solve it like others are doing by following the procedure. Engaging only via cf or personally contacting admins instead of following the official process seems actually a point against the team — if they are sure why not go via the official appeals process. We have always been very transparent and always shared information of how things are done, request all to return the favour and follow the procedures instead of posting here and there. PS: We understand if coach is unavailable at such short notice, if that is the case just mail amrita from one of your members' official email and put the coach in cc
Its not the first time happening with these guys PR_0202 JaySharma1048576.
Context — https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/92995
Previous time, you accused stopcheatingmyself and saved yourself. Did he made the code public this time too. May be Mike should re-revert the penalty again.
This is not me but the institute of reputation speaking.
I guess I had made myself quite clear regarding what happened in Round #733 by giving proofs too. The 600+ upvotes on the blog and the reverting of penalties by Mike speak for it. Regarding what happened here, we don't even know against which solutions we are being plagiarised. So, I can't comment anything as of now. Moreover, what's wrong with the profile of PR_0202?
Its the third time you are publicly accused JaySharma1048576 You were given the benefit of doubt then. But how what happened now. If you were honest by heart, you had never been penialized but see what happened,you were accussed thrice.
I request Balajiganapathi and to look into this closely and serve the justice. Also tagging MikeMirzayanov to let him know that JaySharma1048576 might have cheated the previous time also. May be Mike was correct here https://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/92995?#comment-818345
The claim that his reputation is crystal clear is not obvious
Also, I do have screenshots of you asking for upvotes on your comment
Instead of wasting time in accusing others, go and prepare for regionals (if you have qualified online round, hopefully)
My team has also been removed from the list .We are certain there's been some mistake. Please provide the details of the plag check, also we would surely want our solutions rechecked.
Although it might be extra work , but I believe that all the contestants who have been removed from the standings due to accusations of plagiarism should be if informed which of their solution have been flagged and against what user. Codeforces also does this and the accused are able to see if they are actually at fault.
Weird that at least 4 people manually checked the codes and still the ones who didn't actually cheat were plagiarized.
Everyone, please atleast email from your official id to Amrita instead of messaging me. Will not be sharing any details via cf sorry — there is no way to verify the team identity. That is only possible via email.
Thanks for the fast response, our team is added back to the ranklist ^_^
Same happened with my team as well. Still can't figure out where is the plag ? :(
The same thing happened with my team. If you could please provide us some more details on the same, we would be really grateful
Same thing happened with us, our team was 161th on the leader board named "jvfans". It not in the sheet and it's showing plaged, we haven't done any kind of malpractice and also ran all the code in the system offline so there is very less chance of the code being leaked. Can you provide the details on the same.
Hey, since the qualified list was removed and the teams accused of plagiarism have been given some time to respond I assume the qualified list is going to take some time to be finalized.
Considering that, can we at least get a rough outline for what formalities in addition to the payment (if any) need to be carried out for qualified teams so we aren't running around to obtain any necessary information at the last minute.
We are just publishing final list with increased slots (750) now. The teams which successfully claim that they didn't cheat would be added later in the list. Slots would increase in that case, we won't remove already selected ones.
Does the qualified team get a mail for further proceedings? (Maybe a congratulations email with a link for paying the regional fees?)
The same thing happened with us, our team was 343rd on the leader board named "Lazy_bots". It not on the sheet. We haven't done any kind of malpractice and have not violated any rule and also ran all the code in the system offline. It's really disappointing. kindly look into the matter.
Will the qualified teams in that tentative list are they confirmed or might be shot down later if lot of teams claim they have not done any kind of malpractice ?
What are the steps for payment of Amrita regional round?
Update : payment link is there now at https://www.amrita.edu/icpc21
Final qualified teams are out (750)
The final list of qualified teams is not fair. Actually, Amritapuri has done cheating. Many teams are accused of Plag while Amritapuri has no evidence of Plagiarism. They didn't even reply to candidates who has requested to recheck their solutions. Highly disappointed from Amritapuri. Did'nt expected this kind of unfair behaviour from them.
The final list of qualified teams is not fair
Obviously, the teams with rank 3212, 3208 etc. are qualified for regionals who managed to solved the easiest question with 7-9 penalties and that too after 1 hour.
From your obvious reason, as pointed out by RCD, almost none(or few) of the Indian teams stand any chance to compete at World Finals then why are we given slots?
This is what ICPC is all about! Amritapuri always takes top ranks + top from each college which isn't true for other sites. Most of the sites generally consider only top team from each college.
Don't put up your so obvious reasons. We are bound to follow ICPC rules.
Even Amritapuri can hand over the submission of all the teams to Codeforces to just plag check all the submissions they can do much better then you -_-
Haha, thanks for all the honour! But definitely checking plagiarism reports is not a job of admin. Though I went beyond and helped the team to finish it! But anyways feel free to roast! Happy to take! :)
Our Team was preparing for ICPC from last year. When we came to know That Amritapuri prelims dates are out we were excited. We managed to participate in prelims in between our University exams and secured a good rank in college. But now we came to know about this shit and biased results. Highly disappointing.Balajiganapathi Vichitr
Unfair/biased would be just announcing and not having an appeals process. We have a clear appeal process — use that if you believe the team was marked wrongly. If some team's appeal fails, they will be given full details including submission links.
By your logic, we could have removed many teams for plagiarism. Out of 3k+ why only 175 teams are removed? because their codes were too similar to others. And we have no evidence? Who has?
There is an appeal process, we are receiving so many requests, we are going through each of them. It takes time. Not like we have super powers and can finish in a snap.
In last few years, this process used to take up few weeks, which is completed in only few days here. But why would you notice that!
Don't make any point out of nothing.
Sir I am from the same team lazy_bots. Sir i humbly request you to please see to it. We are preparing for the same from 1 past year. At least we should know with which team our code matches.It's highly disappointing not to see the name in final rank list after doing decent in the round Vichitr
Because you have checked plagiarism in the wrong manner. This is a very simple problem — there aren't that many things to try(Just check the condition and print yes/no). When 3k+ people will solve it, there are chances that code matches. Moreover, you should inform that in which question candidates are accused of Plagiarism. In many good Platforms like codeforces, CodeChef they don't check plag in easiest question and at least inform the candidates against whom their code matches.
what if a team is found falsely accused of Plagiarism later? (after the qualifying list is published) vichitr
Any team that wins the appeal will be added back to the qualified list. Note that we are not doing this for the first time, obviously we are much more lenient with easier problems than others — only nearly exact codes are marked as plags for first 2 problems.
Are you going to send the results on mail?
Amrita should send the mails soon.
These guys don't even know how to check plagiarism. They don't care about the hard work a team has done to get such a good rank. What they simply do is to put false allegation on someone by matching a couple of lines of code with other team. Not expected this unfair behavior. You should be ashamed.
I don't care about the downvotes bcz I know I am right :)
will you be sending mails for the results ?
Where can I see the payment status ?
You would be getting it over a mail with your payment invoice.
After payment no further step is there right?
why is it 826 INR what sort of tax is added ?
Ignore it is GST :sad
How do we know that we have successfully registered for regionals after payment?
You can login to icpc.global and check on dashboard.There you will see that an additional registration is automatically created for amritapuri regionals. It may take some time to reflect their after payment.
After paying fees for regionals ICPC global site is showing team status for regionals as pending. Is it for my team only or everyone is facing this ?
Teams that paid yesterday evening have been added to the "The 2020 ICPC Asia Amritapuri Doublesite Regional Contest" with status ACCEPTED, those that paid after haven't even been added in a PENDING state, is that normal or should we mail Amritapuri to be safe?
Edit: Teams that paid yesterday night have now been added in the PENDING state, no changes for the teams that paid today afternoon.
I saw somewhere mentioned that it takes them around a day to update everything. I think they are doing it manually.
Our coach does not have an ID from the University because It doesn't provide one, but since there is another option of preparing a letter from the Director of ours department. Balajiganapathi Vichitr deepa_panwar can you please help us out by telling us the format in which the letter from the Director should be to validate the identity of our coach. Plus our University has been renamed and the identity card that we 3 students have has the name of our previous University, so we have decided to get a letter too. Please help us by sharing some format of the letter.
I also have the same problem. My university has only provided ID cards to first-year students who are currently residing in hostels. Will uploading our marksheets work as proof?
I also haven't received my id card yet. Will uploading admit card/ marksheet work?
Hi admins, Where can I find the Gwalior-Pune regional qualifier ranklist?
There was no qualifier round for Gwalior-Pune regionals.
Balajiganapathi Vichitr deepa_panwar Can you please extend the deadline for Google Form submission from 09:00 am tomorrow to sometime in the afternoon tomorrow? I received the email only in the evening today which makes it difficult for me to contact my coach (he is a professor in my college) for his identity card. He won't take calls as it is already late now.
Vichitr, Balajiganapathi I was trying to parse problems in mock round today using competitive companion, it is showing the following error to me, I have attached the screenshot of error and console, please tell me how can I fix it.
Link to image If it does not render — https://imgur.com/a/b8eM6IX
Can you contact the author of competitive companion? We did not change any format so not sure what is wrong.
Reply from author —
Unfortunately not, the last time the CodeDrills parser got an update was on July 12th, so if it worked last week it's a recent CodeDrills update that broke it, not the last commit to the CodeDrills parser.
What you could do is fork and clone the repository, follow the Running locally instructions to run your own version of the extension locally, and then fix the parser in src/parsers/problems/CodeDrillsProblemParser.ts. You can then also create a pull request with your fix to this repository, but I won't be able to test, merge and release your changes to the Chrome Web Store and Mozilla's AMO before I get back home on Monday.
I am trying to fix it from my end but it worked in preliminary round.
Many problems used in the mock were very old ( > 1 year old), maybe they used a different format then? You can try on the recent-er problems like tree max sum.
The problems that I parsed in the preliminary round are also raising the same error. :(
I raised a draft PR yesterday about it Fix the CodeDrills parser. It isn't complete and rn I don't know how to fix other issues with it. But this commit correctly sends correct sample test cases, that was enough for me. I don't use other data sent by the parser.
During regionals, I plan to locally run extension with my commit on top of it.
For Balajiganapathi, what I understood so far was this extension relies on class names for parsing, were some class names changes for different parts?
My commit was just one liner fix
elem.querySelector('main .display-1')
Balajiganapathi can you please extend the deadline of google form submission (Regarding ID's team members and coach). I don't know what you are thinking but many of us are not so in close contact to coach that we can get his ID overnight, it many take days, atleast please extend it till tomorrow evening before contest. We can submit our ID's now and can submit ID of coach few days later, if fine with you or you should have let us know earlier that we will need coach ID, we would have done something but getting it overnight is clearly not possible neither justified.
I got a reply on mailing icpc@am.amrita.edu where they mentioned that the last date of form submission is August 19th
Just for everyone, me, Deepa or Balaji are not the right person for this one. You should send email to Amrita regarding any such issues which are not related to platform. We have no information which form you are talking about.
Has Amritapuri Region released the certificates of Participation for Regionals and Preliminary Round? Balajiganapathi
I haven't received the t-shirts yet. Can you please give us the updates for it?