Suppose we have 2 arrays of size n (say A and B) and we have to select k indices i1,i2,i3....ik, such that all are valid indices (i.e all belong to [0,n-1) ) .And let valA = ∑kj=1Aij and let valB = ∑kj=1Bij. Then min(valA,valB) should be maximum. How to solve this? I tried using dp but couldnt figure out how to move from dp[i-1] to dp[i].
Is there any other way to think about it?
Can you prove this problem is not from an ongoing contest?
It's not probably. I think i have seen a similar problem.
Can you provide a link?
I cant prove that. But I am willing to wait for x days, where x is the maximum number of days(reasonable) you think a contest can run for.
Where did you find this problem?
past contest
What contest?
If the sum of elements are small, then dp[i][x] denote the max value of sum of B[i] you can get if you take i element with sum x from A, Then do a knapsack like dp,