If random person solution match with me than what can i do. I have not shared my code with others. Then why my code was skipped. Why codeforces can't handle this with better way. In this contest : https://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/1750 I have solved A,B within 9 minutes. It was too enthusiastic matter for me and such kind of newbie coder. But if such kind of skipped problem occured than it's too uninspiring for us. Honestly i have not shared my code with others can you please resolve this in better way.
my solution :
https://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/1750/submission/179566240 random person : https://mirror.codeforces.com/contest/1750/submission/179576886
If you see that this problem is not too much hard. then multiple person solution can be same if they use map. If you want to downvote the post, please leave a comment before downvoting : Isn't it heartbreaking and unexpected from such a reputed platform like codeforces? Codeforces plagiarism checker should be smarter to judge this kind of sensitive situation. I hope MikeMirzayanov will handle the situation gently this time and roll back the situation.