Автор awoo, история, 24 часа назад, По-русски

Neapolis University Pafos

Привет, Codeforces!

Благодаря поддержке Neapolis University Pafos, продолжается серия образовательных раундов. Университет предлагает получение степени бакалавра в области компьютерных наук и искусственного интеллекта со стипендиями JetBrains. Получите передовые навыки в области искусственного интеллекта и машинного обучения, которые подготовят вас к востребованным техническим карьерам. Любопытно? Присоединяйтесь к прямой трансляции во вторник, 29 октября в 17:00 UTC, чтобы узнать о программе CSAI, ее учебном плане, структуре курсов, стипендиях, стажировках для студентов и практическом подходе к обучению.

Хотите получить больше опыта в программировании и математических соревнованиях?
JetBrains Youth Challenge возвращается в ноябре 2024 года!

Кто может участвовать?
Возраст 13–18 лет.
Все, кто в настоящее время обучается в средней школе.
Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас.

В 28.10.2024 17:35 (Московское время) состоится Educational Codeforces Round 171 (Rated for Div. 2).

Этот раунд будет рейтинговым для участников с рейтингом менее 2100. Соревнование будет проводиться по немного расширенным правилам ICPC. Штраф за каждую неверную посылку до посылки, являющейся полным решением, равен 10 минутам. После окончания раунда будет период времени длительностью в 12 часов, в течение которого вы можете попробовать взломать абсолютно любое решение (в том числе свое). Причем исходный код будет предоставлен не только для чтения, но и для копирования.

Вам будет предложено 6 или 7 задач на 2 часа. Мы надеемся, что вам они покажутся интересными.

Задачи вместе со мной придумывали и готовили Адилбек adedalic Далабаев, Иван BledDest Андросов и Максим Neon Мещеряков. Также большое спасибо Михаилу MikeMirzayanov Мирзаянову за системы Polygon и Codeforces.

Удачи в раунде! Успешных решений!

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Автор Hori, 3 недели назад, По-английски

Hello, Codeforces!

We are pleased to announce the resumption of the Global Rounds. Thanks to XTX Markets for supporting the initiative! In 2024, we will hold 4 such rounds. The series results will take into account the best 3 participations out of 4.

On Oct/27/2024 17:35 (Moscow time) we will host Codeforces Global Round 27.

Codeforces Global Round 27 marks the third round in the 2024 series of Codeforces Global Rounds. These rounds are open and rated for everyone.

The prizes for this round are as follows:

  • The top 30 participants will receive a t-shirt.
  • 20 t-shirts will be randomly distributed among participants ranked between 31 and 500, inclusive.

The prizes for the 4-round series in 2024:

  • In each round, the top-100 participants get points according to the table.
  • A participant's final score will be the sum of the points they earned in their 3 highest-placing rounds.
  • The top 20 participants across the series will receive sweatshirts and placement certificates.

We extend our gratitude to XTX Markets for supporting the global rounds initiative in 2024!

The 8 problems were authored by our 8 authors: Benq, lunchbox, oursaco, sum, willy108, Hori, turtletortles, and last but not least ChatGPT.

We would also like to thank:

Round Information:

  • Duration: 180 minutes
  • Number of problems: 8 problems with 1 subtask
  • Score distribution: 250 — 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 2250 — (2250 — 2000) — 4500

We look forward to your participation!

UPD: Congrats to the winners

  1. Kevin114514
  2. 275307894a
  3. jiangly
  4. JoesSR
  5. ksun48
  6. turmax
  7. dXqwq
  8. hos.lyric
  9. Rewinding
  10. jiangbowen

UPD2: First solves

A: dXqwq
B: hos.lyric
C: dorijanlendvaj
D: riantkb
E: turmax
F: taeyeon_ss
G1: taeyeon_ss
G2: Kevin114514
H: orz (only in contest solve!)

UPD3: Editorial

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Автор myst-6, история, 9 дней назад, По-английски

Hello Codeforces! Me and yud08 are excited to invite you to take part in Codeforces Round 982 (Div. 2), which starts on Oct/26/2024 17:35 (Moscow time). You will be given 5 problems and 2 hours to solve them. Two problems are divided into two subtasks.

This round will be rated for all participants whose rating is strictly below 2100.

The problems were authored by me and yud08, and prepared by me.

We would like to thank:

We hope you enjoy the problems!

Score Distribution: $$$500 - 1000 - 1250 - (1250 + 1000) - (2000 + 1000)$$$

We actually wanted to continue the trend of posting photos of contest writers, but we could only find one photo containing both of us, which was a group photo that we took with some other UK informatics people! (I'm the one in the back of the picture who is wearing the MHC T-shirt and yud08 is the one whose head is popping out from the left side of the photo.)


UPD1: Congratulations to the winners of the contests:

Div 1:

  1. jiangly
  2. neal
  3. SSerxhs
  4. A_G
  5. kotatsugame

Div 2:

  1. nathan_higgs
  2. purupurupururin
  3. Nonoze
  4. Hong_Meiling
  5. Nika_Tamliani

Also, first solves! (if any of these are wrong please let me know)

UPD2: Editorial is available here

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Автор FBI, история, 6 дней назад, По-английски

Hello Codeforces!

I am pleased to invite you all to participate in Codeforces Round 981 (Div. 3), which will start on Oct/24/2024 17:35 (Moscow time).

The format of the event will be like any Div. 3 rounds:

  • 6-8 tasks;

  • ICPC rules with a penalty of 10 minutes for an incorrect submission;

  • 12-hour phase of open hacks after the end of the round (hacks do not give additional points)

  • after the end of the open hacking phase, all solutions will be tested on the updated set of tests, and the ratings recalculated

  • by default, only "trusted" participants are shown in the results table.

I encourage participants with a rating of 1600+ not to create new accounts but to participate unofficially.

Only trusted participants of the third division will be included in the official standings table. This is a forced measure for combating unsporting behavior. To qualify as a trusted participant of the third division, you must:

  • take part in at least five rated rounds (and solve at least one problem in each of them),
  • do not have a point of 1900 or higher in the rating.

Regardless of whether you are a trusted participant of the third division or not, if your rating is less than 1600 (or you are a newcomer/unrated), then the round will be rated for you.

Also, it will be a round with unrated register. If you already registered as rated participant you can change registration type here.

I would like to thank

Good luck!

Upd: Editorial is out.

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Автор Ormlis, история, 10 дней назад, перевод, По-русски

Привет, Codeforces! Мы рады пригласить вас принять участие в Codeforces Round 980 (Div.1, Div.2), который начнется 20.10.2024 12:05 (Московское время). Обратите внимание на необычное время начала раунда. В каждом дивизионе будет 6 задач, на решение которых отведено 2 часа. Раунд будет проведен в соответствии с правилами Codeforces и будет рейтинговым для обоих дивизионов.

Задачи были составлены и подготовлены Mangooste, Tikhon228, adepteXiao, Artyom123, sevlll777, yunetive29, glebustim, Endagorion, isaf27 под руководством Ormlis и Андреевой Елены Владимировны.

Раунд основан на XXII Московской командной олимпиаде для школьников, которая является отборочным этапом для Всероссийской командной олимпиады. Также спасибо авторам задач олимпиады, которые не вошли в раунд : vaaven, TeaTime, pakhomovee, TheEvilBird, ch_egor.

Мы особенно благодарим:

  • Artyom123 за его высокоскоростную координацию.
  • MikeMirzayanov за создание Codeforces и Polygon.

Огромная благодарность тестировщикам: Kapt, SomethingNew, k1sara, Pekiban, automac, theRealChainman, marks39, cosenza, pengin_2000, Killever, perchuts, Endagorion, maomao90.

А также командам, тестировавшим основную олимпиаду: (RP-1, kostylevGO, PBBx0), (AgafonovArtem, blyat), (daubi, talant, alexxela12345), (tem_shett, crazyilian, sevlll777), (katyaporay, Igorbunov, Dart-Xeyter), Kirill22, (rama798, FlameDragon, egneeS), (MOHOXPOM, Goshix, shevnin_d), teraqqq, (Siberian, Um_nik), (kova1, Aleks5d), (makcvim, Silver_Fox), polosatic.

UPD1: Разбалловка:

Div.2: 500 — 1000 — 1250 — 1750 — 2250 — 3000

Div.1: 500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2250 — 2750 — 3000

UPD2: Из-за проведения официального соревнования исходные коды других участников будут недоступны еще два часа после окончания раунда.

UPD3: Editorial

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Автор cry, 2 недели назад, По-английски

Haiii Codeforces ^_^

Note the unusual starting time. This round starts 30 minutes before the standard starting time.

vgoofficial and I are extremely excited to invite you to Codeforces Round 979 (Div. 2) on Oct/19/2024 17:05 (Moscow time). You will be given 7 problems and 2 hours and 15 minutes to solve them. One problem will be split into two subtasks. This round will be rated for all participants with rating below 2100.

This round is based on... absolutely nothing.

We would like to mention the following individuals for making the contest possible:

Score Distribution: $$$250 - 500 - 1000 - 1500 - 2000 - 2500 - (3000 + 1500)$$$

UPD: Editorial

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Автор awoo, история, 2 недели назад, По-русски

Neapolis University Pafos

Привет, Codeforces!

Благодаря поддержке Neapolis University Pafos, продолжается серия образовательных раундов. Университет предлагает получение степени бакалавра в области компьютерных наук и искусственного интеллекта со стипендиями JetBrains. Получите передовые навыки в области искусственного интеллекта и машинного обучения, которые подготовят вас к востребованным техническим карьерам. Любопытно? Ознакомьтесь с учебной программой прямо сейчас. Доступно ограниченное количество стипендий. Не упустите свой шанс учиться в Европе бесплатно!

Ищете способ улучшить свои навыки и увеличить шансы на получение стипендии? Присоединяйтесь к бесплатным клубам для старшеклассников от JetBrains:

В 14.10.2024 17:35 (Московское время) состоится Educational Codeforces Round 170 (Rated for Div. 2).

Этот раунд будет рейтинговым для участников с рейтингом менее 2100. Соревнование будет проводиться по немного расширенным правилам ICPC. Штраф за каждую неверную посылку до посылки, являющейся полным решением, равен 10 минутам. После окончания раунда будет период времени длительностью в 12 часов, в течение которого вы можете попробовать взломать абсолютно любое решение (в том числе свое). Причем исходный код будет предоставлен не только для чтения, но и для копирования.

Вам будет предложено 6 или 7 задач на 2 часа. Мы надеемся, что вам они покажутся интересными.

Задачи вместе со мной придумывали и готовили Адилбек adedalic Далабаев, Иван BledDest Андросов, Александр fcspartakm Фролов и Максим Neon Мещеряков. Также большое спасибо Михаилу MikeMirzayanov Мирзаянову за системы Polygon и Codeforces.

Данный раунд частично пересекается по задачам с квалификационным этапом Чемпионата Юга и Поволжья России. Если вы участвовали в этом соревновании, то воздержитесь от участия в раунде.

Удачи в раунде! Успешных решений!

UPD: Разбор опубликован

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Автор jampm, 2 недели назад, По-английски

Hola, Codeforces!

We're glad to invite you to take part in Codeforces Round 978 (Div. 2), which will start on Oct/13/2024 22:35 (Moscow time). You will be given 5 problems and 2 hours to solve them. Some problems will be divided into subtasks.

This round is based on day two of the Mexican Olympiad in Informatics (OMI) 2024.

Please note the unusual starting time.

The team of writers is conformed by JuanPabloAmezcua, SebR, Marckess, and myself. We have spent a ton of effort setting the round as well as the Olympiad, we hope you enjoy it.

(This is our logo, cookie points if you can guess the names of the two characters in it)

The team would like to thank:

Score distribution: 750 + 1000 + 1750 + (1750 + 2000) + (2250 + 1000)

We wish you happy coding and good luck to all participants!

Winners Div 1:

  1. tourist
  2. ecnerwala
  3. neal
  4. maspy
  5. 244mhq

Winners Div 2:

  1. tko919
  2. thanos_2
  3. moonpole
  4. vgoofficial
  5. hashman

First solve for each problem:

UPD 1: We have added new testers and score distribution.

UPD 2: There is at least one interactive problem, so please read the guide for interactive problems if you are unfamiliar with them.

UPD 3: The editorial is ready. Congratulations to the winners and first solves for each problem!

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Автор adamant, история, 2 недели назад, По-английски

Hi everyone!

I'm posting this on behalf of CP-Algorithms, a community project that started off in 2014 by RodionGork as a translation of e-maxx, a Russian go-to resource at the time by e-maxx for learning core competitive programming algorithms. Since then, CP-Algorithms grew quite a lot (which also prompted a rename from original project name e-maxx-eng) and includes a lot of new, original articles, and a lot of translated articles were enhanced and/or extended or even completely rewritten, amounting to a total of 157 articles at the moment.

At the moment, the project is largely maintained by Jakube and adamant (that's me), but as it happens, we don't have as much time to dedicate to it as we used to, so we're looking for some fresh blood to join the effort. This means both potential contributors and maintainers.


As a community project, it is largely driven by volunteering efforts of people who write and translate articles. Moreover, similar to previous years, right about now DigitalOcean is conducting Hacktoberfest, an initiative that will award every participant which will make 4 approved pull requests on Github (in participating projects) during the month of October with a cool, free shirt

UPD: sorry, it's just a digital badge on holopin instead of t-shirts starting last year ☹️

Our project participates in Hacktoberfest, so it could be an easy way for you to contribute into open source and get a t-shirt for it. Not sure what to help us with? Consider the following:

  • GitHub issues marked with "bug" or "enhancement" tags;
  • Translation progress indicates which articles still need to be translated;
  • Write a new article on the topic of your liking or from a "new-article-suggestion" tags in GitHub issues;
  • Improve old articles (fix typos, grammar, style, etc);
  • Add images (make sure they're your original work, or adhere to image's license!).

See How to Contribute page for some instructions, or just click on a pencil icon in the upper-right corner of any article to propose changes. You can also use the Article Preview page to see how your changes will look like when they're actually added to the site. If you still have any questions about the process, don't hesitate to reach out to me directly 😊


Besides regular contributors, we're in dire need of having more people joining the maintainer team. You would be granted a right to contribute to the project directly without prior approval, and will need to exercise it appropriately, both when making your own contributions and when reviewing open issues and pull requests that you will be able to merge into the main branch once you think they're good enough.

On top of it, some time ago I started out a competitive programming library with automatic verification via Library Checker as an auxiliary project to CP-Algorithms. Ideally, I would like to let more people join it in the future, and also facilitate its integration into the main website and its articles somehow. Having another motivated maintainer to discuss it and work on it together would be fantastic!

Please reach out to me or Jakob if you're interested, and let us know of any of your prior experience in technical writing, computer science and competitive programming. We will be happy to expand our team!

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Автор Yandex, история, 3 недели назад, По-русски

Hello Codeforces!

We are delighted to invite you to participate in Yandex Cup 2024!
Yandex Cup is a championship in six different tracks:

This year, as a pilot project, we are inviting schoolchildren (so far only from Russia) to participate in the Algorithm and Analytics tracks.

The championship consists of three stages.


The stages and dates are different for Machine Learning and Mobile Development. More details about the terms and conditions can be found on the track's pages.


Qualification is a contest with a virtual start. You can write a context during the week from 14 to 20 October. The duration depends on the selected track. After the qualification stage we will publish the criteria for the semifinal.

Semifinal will be held on 3 November. The start of the contests is at 12:00 (GMT+3) and at 17:00(GMT+3) at the Algorithm track. Duration depends on the selected track. The top 20 semi-finalists in each track and the top 10 students in the tracks Algorithm and Analytics will qualify for the finals

The final of the competition will be held in Tashkent Uzbekistan on 2-6 December. All expenses related to travel and accommodation of the finalists will be covered by us.

This year, we have also increased the prize fund, which amounts to 12.5 million rubles

See you at the Yandex Cup!

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