Hi all, since the other blog which I've been using for updating CPDojo updates has gotten so long, I've created this new blog.
New Updates to CPDojo (30th Sept): Added Graph viewer so that we can visualize the graph provided in test-cases or creating your own graph for testing purposes.
For un-weighted graph the format should be: n m u1 v1 u2 v2 . . . um vm Where n is number of nodes and m is number of edges
For weighted graph the format should be: n m u1 v1 w1 u2 v2 w2 . . . um vm wm Where n is number of nodes and m is number of edges
You can view it here
New updates to CPDojo (27th Sept): Added CPDojo ladders
This ladder is created based on data of 40k+ users and is entirely powered by ML.
You can use CPDojo ladders here
New updates to CPDojo (24th Sept):
You can now see the problem statement directly by clicking on view button on the problems table.
Added feature to sort column based on date in Problem Filter page.
Link to CPDojo: Here