Famous Cheater across all Platforms

Revision en6, by Utsavcc, 2024-06-11 16:49:29

Recently I came across these articles on LeetCode and CodeChef:

LeetCode Article

CodeChef Article

He is sahild2003, famous cheater known for being clever to surpass plagiarism detection.

Consider the following points:

First: He switches his preference for writing solutions for each problem to avoid getting caught, as you see here:

Second: He writes these solutions in different languages with lightning fast speed, like for instance consider writing solutions for the same problem in 4 different unpopular non-mainstream languages in just 4 minutes:

Third: This is the same strategy he uses across all platforms and he was recently banned from LeetCode since Moderators identified his strategy.

Fourth: Leaked Solution for B which was rigged in yesterday's div1+div2 round is submitted by Mr. sahild2003 too!! and failed system tests later on.

It's highly discouraging for actual honest people that achieve these ratings only to see a cheater achieve it too with a simple strategy. Thus, I would to request Sir MikeMirzayanov to look into this matter.

Edit #1: I've been lately seeing many racist comments and posts about Indians as just being Cheaters. Guys like you sahild2003 are a menace and primary reason for this.

Edit #2: Does anyone have any idea how to report cheating in CodeForces officially?

Edit #3: Why is there no response from moderators or officials to this post yet?


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en6 English Utsavcc 2024-06-11 16:49:29 84
en5 English Utsavcc 2024-06-11 11:58:17 91
en4 English Utsavcc 2024-06-10 10:02:32 187
en3 English Utsavcc 2024-06-10 09:53:33 1 Tiny change: 't language with ligh' -> 't languages with ligh'
en2 English Utsavcc 2024-06-10 09:42:23 95
en1 English Utsavcc 2024-06-10 09:41:27 1570 Initial revision (published)