Hello, Codeforces Community!
I have analyzed the topics covered in a recent set of problems, and the results are here. This analysis could help you understand the distribution of different issues and focus your preparation on more familiar topics.
Topic Distribution:
- Greedy: 63
- Math: 54
- Brute Force: 43
- Implementation: 37
- Data Structures: 36
- Dynamic Programming (DP): 30
- Constructive Algorithms: 24
- Binary Search: 20
- Combinatorics: 16
- Sortings: 14
- Number Theory: 14
- Bitmasks: 11
- Trees: 10
- Two Pointers: 10
- Graphs: 9
- DFS and Similar: 9
- Strings: 6
- Games: 6
- Interactive: 6
- Divide and Conquer: 6
- Hashing: 4
- DSU: 3
- FFT: 3
- Geometry: 3
- 2-SAT: 1
- String Suffix Structures: 1
If you're preparing for contests, focusing more on these topics might be a good idea.
Happy coding, and good luck in your future contests!