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Div.1 Users Privileges on Codeforces

Revision en1, by takopi, 2024-08-06 00:16:13

Clearly, there are certain features in Codeforces that seem to have access limits (opened for 2100+) that are not officially disclosed.

However, here is the list of features that only Div.1 people can use from my observation.

  1. Streams — div1 people can advertise their streaming.

  2. Uphack — div1 people can hack solution after system test.

  3. Problem tag — div1 people can edit problem tags and possibly determine problem rating.

  4. Catalog — div1 people can edit catalog.

  5. Vote — div1 people vote weighted more than other.

Feel free to share if there is anything not mentioned here; there are probably a lot more.

Tags codeforces


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English takopi 2024-08-06 00:16:13 712 Initial revision (published)