Hey Red Coders,↵
Recently, I have been trying to solve all the problems in the CSES tree section, but even after trying many things, I have failed to solve the last two problems. After searching for solutions, I learned that they can be solved using Centroid Decomposition.↵
I read some blogs and watched videos on YouTube, but I still can’t grasp the logic. Although I could pretend to understand it andsimplycopy paste code to complete the CSES section, I genuinely want to learn and understand why and how it works so that I will be able to solve questions based on it in the future.↵
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone is willing to explain it to me and help build my intuition around it.↵
Resources I have tried( although they are really great, but due to my limited knowledge I am not able to grasp the logic):↵
[USACO guide Centroid section](https://usaco.guide/plat/centroid)↵
[Blog by Tanuj Khattar ](https://tanujkhattar.wordpress.com/2016/01/10/centroid-decomposition-of-a-tree/)↵
[Video by Colin Galen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DmMLQCmz94&t=2624s&pp=ygUgd2h5IGNlbnRyb2lkIGRlY29tcG9zaXRpb24gd29ya3M%3D)↵
[Video by Gaurav Sen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Lgda-6_AiY&t=322s&pp=ygUgd2h5IGNlbnRyb2lkIGRlY29tcG9zaXRpb24gd29ya3M%3D)
Recently, I have been trying to solve all the problems in the CSES tree section, but even after trying many things, I have failed to solve the last two problems. After searching for solutions, I learned that they can be solved using Centroid Decomposition.↵
I read some blogs and watched videos on YouTube, but I still can’t grasp the logic. Although I could pretend to understand it and
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone is willing to explain it to me and help build my intuition around it.↵
Resources I have tried( although they are really great, but due to my limited knowledge I am not able to grasp the logic):↵
[USACO guide Centroid section](https://usaco.guide/plat/centroid)↵
[Blog by Tanuj Khattar ](https://tanujkhattar.wordpress.com/2016/01/10/centroid-decomposition-of-a-tree/)↵
[Video by Colin Galen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DmMLQCmz94&t=2624s&pp=ygUgd2h5IGNlbnRyb2lkIGRlY29tcG9zaXRpb24gd29ya3M%3D)↵
[Video by Gaurav Sen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Lgda-6_AiY&t=322s&pp=ygUgd2h5IGNlbnRyb2lkIGRlY29tcG9zaXRpb24gd29ya3M%3D)