I invent method to merge two cartesian trees with maybe intersect keys. And want to know what is asymptotic of it.
let's add to a standard cartesian tree field musorka
struct Node {
Node *l = NULL, *r = NULL;
int key, priority, cnt = 1;
Node *musorka = NULL;
and when we want to merge trees A and B A->musorka = B
then write push
void push(Node *node) {
if (!node->musorka) return;
pair<Node*, Node*> spl = split(node->musorka, node->key);
pair<Node*, Node*> spl2 = split(spl.second, node->key + 1);
if (spl2.first) {
node->l->musorka = spl.first;
node->r->musorka = spl2.second;
node->musorka = NULL;
then add this push to merge
and split
Maybe someone can estimate asimptotic of this or give counter test where it works n^2?