I decided to write this blog, as a lot of people were requesting for the editorial of `Shortest Path Constrained` problem from CodeNation Hiring Test, held on 26th January, 2019↵
### Statement↵
There is a weighted undirected graph with $N$ nodes and $M$ edges. You are also given $X$ different sets of nodes — $S_1$ to $S_x$. You have to give the shortest possible distance between a start node — $a$ and a destination node — $b$, along a path following the following rule: For all $i<j$, before visiting a node in $S_j$, you must visit all the nodes in $S_i$.↵
The distance is defined as sum of weights of edges along the path traversed.↵
Note :-↵
1. The path must contain all the nodes in union of $S_i$ for all $1 \leq i \leq X$↵
2. $S_i \cap S_j = \phi$ for all $1 \leq i$, $j \leq X$ and $i \neq j$.↵
3. The path may go through any node, including $a$ and $b$, more than once. The constraint is that it must end at $b$↵
### Constraints↵
- $2 \leq N \leq 100$↵
- $0 \leq w \leq 100000$↵
- $0 \leq X \leq 10$↵
- $1 \leq |Si| \leq 10$ for all $i \leq X$↵
- Nodes are numbered from $0$ to $N-1$↵
- The graph does not contains multiple edges or self edges, and is connected↵
Let us first solve the problem of how to visit all the nodes in a set $S_i$, in shortest possible distance, such that we end up at node $x$. This problem can be solved using dp + bitmask. Suppose $dp[bitmask][x]$ stores the minimum distance, for this particular set, such that the nodes with bits set to $1$ in $bitmask$ are visited, and we end up at node $x$. Now for all $k$ such that $k^{th}$ bit is $0$ in $bitmask$, we can update $dp[bitmask|k][k] = min(dp[bitmask][x] + dist(x, k), dp[bitmask|k][k])$. $dist(x, k)$ gives us the smallest distance from $x$ to $k$ and can be pre-calculated using Floyd-Warshall Algorithm. ↵
Now, in this problem, we need to do the above for all the sets, while making sure the nodes from next sets are not visited. To do that, we maintain a list of $illegal$ nodes. When we visit a set $S_i$, we remove the nodes of this set from the $illegal$ list. Now, we create an auxiliary adjacency matrix, which does not contain the nodes from the $illegal$ list. Now we can run the above dp.↵
We can initialize the dp for $S_{i+1}$ using the dp for $S_i$, as shown in the code below.↵
<spoiler summary="Click to Expand">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
using namespace std;↵
int n, m, x, source, sink;↵
int adj[100][100];↵
int currAdj[100][100];↵
set<int> notAllowed;↵
vector<vector<int> > sets;↵
void initialize() {↵
memset(adj, -1, sizeof(adj));↵
memset(currAdj, -1, sizeof(currAdj));↵
for(int i=0 ; i<100 ; ++i) {↵
adj[i][i] = 0;↵
scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);↵
for(int i=0 ; i<m ; ++i) {↵
int u, v, w;↵
scanf("%d %d %d", &u, &v, &w);↵
adj[u][v] = w;↵
adj[v][u] = w;↵
scanf("%d", &x);↵
for(int i=0 ; i<x ; ++i) {↵
int sx, temp;↵
scanf("%d", &sx);↵
for(int j=0 ; j<sx ; ++j) {↵
scanf("%d", &temp);↵
scanf("%d %d", &source, &sink);↵
void updateCurrAdjFromNotAllowed() {↵
for(int i=0 ; i<n ; ++i) {↵
currAdj[i][i] = 0;↵
for(int j=i+1 ; j<n ; ++j) {↵
if(notAllowed.find(i)!=notAllowed.end() || notAllowed.find(j)!=notAllowed.end())↵
currAdj[i][j] = adj[i][j];↵
currAdj[j][i] = adj[j][i];↵
void runFloydWarshall() {↵
for(int k=0 ; k<n ; ++k) {↵
for(int i=0 ; i<n ; ++i) {↵
for(int j=0 ; j<n ; ++j) {↵
if(currAdj[i][k] == -1 || currAdj[k][j] == -1)↵
currAdj[i][j] = min((currAdj[i][j]==-1?INT_MAX:currAdj[i][j]), currAdj[i][k] + currAdj[k][j]);↵
void completeDp(vector<vector<int> > &dp, int setSize, int setIndex) {↵
int bmLimit = (1<<setSize); ↵
for(int bm=0 ; bm<bmLimit ; ++bm) {↵
for(int j=0 ; j<setSize ; ++j) {↵
if(dp[bm][j] == -1)↵
for(int k=0 ; k<setSize ; ++k) {↵
if(((bm>>k)&1) == 1)↵
int newBm = bm | (1<<k);↵
if(currAdj[sets[setIndex][j]][sets[setIndex][k]] != -1)↵
dp[newBm][k] = min((dp[newBm][k]==-1?INT_MAX:dp[newBm][k]), dp[bm][j] + currAdj[sets[setIndex][j]][sets[setIndex][k]]);↵
int main() {↵
vector<int> distanceToEndAt(n, -1);↵
distanceToEndAt[source] = 0;↵
queue<int> q;↵
for(int i=0 ; i<sets.size() ; ++i) {↵
for(int j=0 ; j<sets[i].size() ; ++j)↵
vector<vector<int> > dp(1<<(sets[i].size()), vector<int>(sets[i].size(), -1));↵
while(!q.empty()) {↵
int fr = q.front();↵
for(int j=0 ; j<sets[i].size() ; ++j) {↵
if(currAdj[fr][sets[i][j]] != -1) {↵
dp[1<<j][j] = min((dp[1<<j][j]==-1?INT_MAX:dp[1<<j][j]), distanceToEndAt[fr] + currAdj[fr][sets[i][j]]);↵
completeDp(dp, sets[i].size(), i);↵
int finalBm = (1<<sets[i].size())-1;↵
for(int j=0 ; j<sets[i].size() ; ++j) {↵
if(dp[finalBm][j] != -1) {↵
distanceToEndAt[sets[i][j]] = dp[finalBm][j];↵
int ans = -1;↵
while(!q.empty()) {↵
int fr = q.front();↵
if(ans==-1 || (currAdj[fr][sink]!=-1 && ans>currAdj[fr][sink]+distanceToEndAt[fr]))↵
ans = currAdj[fr][sink] + distanceToEndAt[fr];↵
printf("%d", ans);↵
Sample Cases (Including corner cases)↵
<spoiler summary="Click to Expand">↵
Case 1: ↵
10 10↵
0 1 1↵
1 2 1↵
2 3 1↵
3 4 1↵
4 5 1↵
5 6 1↵
6 7 1↵
7 8 1↵
8 9 1↵
0 9 2↵
2 3 4↵
0 9↵
Output 1:↵
Case 2:↵
10 10↵
0 1 1↵
1 2 1↵
2 3 1↵
3 4 1↵
4 5 1↵
5 6 1↵
6 7 1↵
7 8 1↵
8 9 100↵
0 9 2↵
2 3 4↵
0 9↵
Output 2: ↵
Case 3:↵
10 10↵
0 1 1↵
1 2 1↵
2 3 1↵
3 4 1↵
4 5 1↵
5 6 1↵
6 7 1↵
7 8 1↵
8 9 100↵
0 9 2↵
2 3 4↵
2 1 6↵
0 9↵
Output 3:↵
Case 4:↵
10 10↵
0 1 1↵
1 2 1↵
2 3 1↵
3 4 1↵
4 5 1↵
5 6 1↵
6 7 1↵
7 8 1↵
8 9 10000↵
0 9 2↵
2 3 4↵
1 1↵
0 9↵
Output 4:↵
### Statement↵
There is a weighted undirected graph with $N$ nodes and $M$ edges. You are also given $X$ different sets of nodes — $S_1$ to $S_x$. You have to give the shortest possible distance between a start node — $a$ and a destination node — $b$, along a path following the following rule: For all $i<j$, before visiting a node in $S_j$, you must visit all the nodes in $S_i$.↵
The distance is defined as sum of weights of edges along the path traversed.↵
Note :-↵
1. The path must contain all the nodes in union of $S_i$ for all $1 \leq i \leq X$↵
2. $S_i \cap S_j = \phi$ for all $1 \leq i$, $j \leq X$ and $i \neq j$.↵
3. The path may go through any node, including $a$ and $b$, more than once. The constraint is that it must end at $b$↵
### Constraints↵
- $2 \leq N \leq 100$↵
- $0 \leq w \leq 100000$↵
- $0 \leq X \leq 10$↵
- $1 \leq |Si| \leq 10$ for all $i \leq X$↵
- Nodes are numbered from $0$ to $N-1$↵
- The graph does not contains multiple edges or self edges, and is connected↵
Let us first solve the problem of how to visit all the nodes in a set $S_i$, in shortest possible distance, such that we end up at node $x$. This problem can be solved using dp + bitmask. Suppose $dp[bitmask][x]$ stores the minimum distance, for this particular set, such that the nodes with bits set to $1$ in $bitmask$ are visited, and we end up at node $x$. Now for all $k$ such that $k^{th}$ bit is $0$ in $bitmask$, we can update $dp[bitmask|k][k] = min(dp[bitmask][x] + dist(x, k), dp[bitmask|k][k])$. $dist(x, k)$ gives us the smallest distance from $x$ to $k$ and can be pre-calculated using Floyd-Warshall Algorithm. ↵
Now, in this problem, we need to do the above for all the sets, while making sure the nodes from next sets are not visited. To do that, we maintain a list of $illegal$ nodes. When we visit a set $S_i$, we remove the nodes of this set from the $illegal$ list. Now, we create an auxiliary adjacency matrix, which does not contain the nodes from the $illegal$ list. Now we can run the above dp.↵
We can initialize the dp for $S_{i+1}$ using the dp for $S_i$, as shown in the code below.↵
<spoiler summary="Click to Expand">↵
#include <bits/stdc++.h>↵
using namespace std;↵
int n, m, x, source, sink;↵
int currAdj[100][100];↵
set<int> notAllowed;↵
vector<vector<int> > sets;↵
void initialize() {↵
memset(adj, -1, sizeof(adj));↵
memset(currAdj, -1, sizeof(currAdj));↵
for(int i=0 ; i<100 ; ++i) {↵
adj[i][i] = 0;↵
scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);↵
for(int i=0 ; i<m ; ++i) {↵
int u, v, w;↵
scanf("%d %d %d", &u, &v, &w);↵
adj[u][v] = w;↵
adj[v][u] = w;↵
scanf("%d", &x);↵
for(int i=0 ; i<x ; ++i) {↵
int sx, temp;↵
scanf("%d", &sx);↵
for(int j=0 ; j<sx ; ++j) {↵
scanf("%d", &temp);↵
scanf("%d %d", &source, &sink);↵
void updateCurrAdjFromNotAllowed() {↵
for(int i=0 ; i<n ; ++i) {↵
currAdj[i][i] = 0;↵
for(int j=i+1 ; j<n ; ++j) {↵
if(notAllowed.find(i)!=notAllowed.end() || notAllowed.find(j)!=notAllowed.end())↵
currAdj[i][j] = adj[i][j];↵
currAdj[j][i] = adj[j][i];↵
void runFloydWarshall() {↵
for(int k=0 ; k<n ; ++k) {↵
for(int i=0 ; i<n ; ++i) {↵
for(int j=0 ; j<n ; ++j) {↵
if(currAdj[i][k] == -1 || currAdj[k][j] == -1)↵
currAdj[i][j] = min((currAdj[i][j]==-1?INT_MAX:currAdj[i][j]), currAdj[i][k] + currAdj[k][j]);↵
void completeDp(vector<vector<int> > &dp, int setSize, int setIndex) {↵
int bmLimit = (1<<setSize); ↵
for(int bm=0 ; bm<bmLimit ; ++bm) {↵
for(int j=0 ; j<setSize ; ++j) {↵
if(dp[bm][j] == -1)↵
for(int k=0 ; k<setSize ; ++k) {↵
if(((bm>>k)&1) == 1)↵
int newBm = bm | (1<<k);↵
if(currAdj[sets[setIndex][j]][sets[setIndex][k]] != -1)↵
dp[newBm][k] = min((dp[newBm][k]==-1?INT_MAX:dp[newBm][k]), dp[bm][j] + currAdj[sets[setIndex][j]][sets[setIndex][k]]);↵
int main() {↵
vector<int> distanceToEndAt(n, -1);↵
distanceToEndAt[source] = 0;↵
queue<int> q;↵
for(int i=0 ; i<sets.size() ; ++i) {↵
for(int j=0 ; j<sets[i].size() ; ++j)↵
vector<vector<int> > dp(1<<(sets[i].size()), vector<int>(sets[i].size(), -1));↵
while(!q.empty()) {↵
int fr = q.front();↵
for(int j=0 ; j<sets[i].size() ; ++j) {↵
if(currAdj[fr][sets[i][j]] != -1) {↵
dp[1<<j][j] = min((dp[1<<j][j]==-1?INT_MAX:dp[1<<j][j]), distanceToEndAt[fr] + currAdj[fr][sets[i][j]]);↵
completeDp(dp, sets[i].size(), i);↵
int finalBm = (1<<sets[i].size())-1;↵
for(int j=0 ; j<sets[i].size() ; ++j) {↵
if(dp[finalBm][j] != -1) {↵
distanceToEndAt[sets[i][j]] = dp[finalBm][j];↵
int ans = -1;↵
while(!q.empty()) {↵
int fr = q.front();↵
if(ans==-1 || (currAdj[fr][sink]!=-1 && ans>currAdj[fr][sink]+distanceToEndAt[fr]))↵
ans = currAdj[fr][sink] + distanceToEndAt[fr];↵
printf("%d", ans);↵
Sample Cases (Including corner cases)↵
<spoiler summary="Click to Expand">↵
Case 1: ↵
10 10↵
0 1 1↵
1 2 1↵
2 3 1↵
3 4 1↵
4 5 1↵
5 6 1↵
6 7 1↵
7 8 1↵
8 9 1↵
0 9 2↵
2 3 4↵
0 9↵
Output 1:↵
Case 2:↵
10 10↵
0 1 1↵
1 2 1↵
2 3 1↵
3 4 1↵
4 5 1↵
5 6 1↵
6 7 1↵
7 8 1↵
8 9 100↵
0 9 2↵
2 3 4↵
0 9↵
Output 2: ↵
Case 3:↵
10 10↵
0 1 1↵
1 2 1↵
2 3 1↵
3 4 1↵
4 5 1↵
5 6 1↵
6 7 1↵
7 8 1↵
8 9 100↵
0 9 2↵
2 3 4↵
2 1 6↵
0 9↵
Output 3:↵
Case 4:↵
10 10↵
0 1 1↵
1 2 1↵
2 3 1↵
3 4 1↵
4 5 1↵
5 6 1↵
6 7 1↵
7 8 1↵
8 9 10000↵
0 9 2↵
2 3 4↵
1 1↵
0 9↵
Output 4:↵