Same solution one got tle on 11th tc. one accepted after system testing????

Правка en1, от Ansh_jain, 2020-04-22 11:12:31

In yesterday's codeforces round 636(Div 3.) This is my solution for D which I submitted during contest. It gave me TLE in system testing on TC11. Now i copied exactly the same code and submitted it after the contest(and after the system testing) This is the link for the same. It is Accepted by the system. moreover i have submiited the same code 3 -4 times after contest it is showing AC every time. Now can somoene please explain to me why is all this happening and if my code is AC will i get marks for it?? Plz someone if have any idea why this is happening reply

Теги #div3, #tle, #accepted


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en1 Английский Ansh_jain 2020-04-22 11:12:31 760 Initial revision (published)