I have a problem about measuring the Time Complexity of the Problem
according to me, it should be O(n^3), n^2 due to dp and O(N) due to transitions , so in total O(N^3)
int dp[2][2001][2001];
int fun( vector g[],int node,int dis,int cnt){
if( dis == k+1 ){ if( cnt%2 || node != t ) return 0; return 1; } if( dp[cnt][node][dis] != -1 )return dp[cnt][node][dis]; int ans = 0; for(auto child: g[node]){ int n_cnt = cnt; if( child == x ) n_cnt^=1; ans = (ans%M+fun(g,child,dis+1,n_cnt)%M)%M; } return dp[cnt][node][dis]=ans;
It is Atcoder's King Bombee problem! Link: https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc244/tasks/abc244_e