This year, the 2025 ICPC Asia Pacific Championship will be hosted by National University of Singapore. The list of 65 qualified teams was posted on the official website.
If you know the Codeforces handles of any team that is not yet filled in, please let me know so I can add them.
Invited Teams
Regional | Institution | Team | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 |
Jakarta | National Taiwan University | std_abs | BurnedChicken | syl123456 | abc864197532 |
Seoul | Seoul National University | DaXingHao | kizen | windva | leinad2 |
Yokohama | The University of Tokyo | Screenwalkers | E869120 | square1001 | Kodaman |
Hanoi | National Taiwan University | fruit_advantages | WiwiHo | Wayne_Yan | alvingogo |
South Pacific | UNSW Sydney | W[3]-complete | |||
South Pacific | University of Melbourne | habibi |
Taichung Regional
Institution | Team | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 |
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University | NYCU_MyGO!!! | SorahISA | ub33 | nella17 |
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University | NYCU_CartesianTree | Aestivate | ScottChou | yyh603 |
KAIST | slowforce | aimoon | cunhenry01 | |
National Tsing Hua University | XL-pants | |||
National Central University | __builtin_orz() | warner1129 | NEKOowo | BOSON._. |
De La Salle University | Kuuhaku | Gabp | DippleThree | ISPADEI |
Waseda University | 2get | bayashiko | k1suxu | (Atcoder) krps |
National Tsing Hua University | RedCapeFlyingCat | niter | 1075508020060209tc | temmieowo |
National Tsing Hua University | BreakfastEatToFull | |||
Osaka University | kotamanegi_marukajiri | shogo314 | littlegirl112 | (Atcoder) besukohu |
BINUS University | N-Dimensional Sum | Zanite | bonk | Chrisedyong |
Seoul Regional
Institution | Team | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 |
KAIST | Gyerantak | SongC | mhy908 | Eunha |
KAIST | BIGSHOT | as_dfsdf | Kaling | mjhmjh1104 |
Institute of Science Tokyo | AMATSUKAZE | shobonvip | noya2 | (Atcoder) Hemimor |
National Economics University | NEU. gugugaga | marvinthang | lmcutezzz | nguyentunglam |
Sogang University | AllTimeLegend | hulahula3247 | Seungni | W_NotFoundGD |
Yonsei University | Endgame | JYJin | plast | Serendipity__ |
Korea University | DolAndDool | yijw0930 | gs25 | stonejjun |
Sogang University | Redshift | shiftpsh | Vermeil | 1bin |
Hanyang University | BetterThanO1 | rulerofcakes | MatWhyTle | firstin0907 |
Hanyang University | Catastrophe | |||
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology | Everyone |
Jakarta Regional
Institution | Team | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 |
National University of Singapore | Jägermeister | yuto1115 | penguinman | Wailydest |
University of Science, VNU-HCM | HCMUS-AtCoder | DeMen100ns | Ann | Kriz_Wu |
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University | NYCU_FriedShrimp | dannyboy20031204 | YuiHuang | Fireball0424 |
Nanyang Technological University | 7 is our favourite number | ggg | David-M | vanwij |
Institut Teknologi Bandung | codemaxxing | Romy67 | habibibi | Micchon |
Nanyang Technological University | nameless | shaosy | zghtyarecrenj | Onolt_kh |
Universitas Indonesia | 404 Skill Not Found | ArvinCiu | robertoeugenio | gansixeneh |
Nanyang Technological University | acwyfiphite | ItsJerr | iCanSeeForever | J_ai_bt_dou |
National Taiwan Normal University | NTNU_SSH | |||
BINUS University | Lebah Ganteng | WataHata | Chiz | Ngeces |
Universitas Indonesia | For You and For Me | Maskrio | TakeMe | nandonathaniel |
Hanoi Regional
Institution | Team | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 |
National University of Singapore | Penguin Feeders | feeder1 | limanjun | HuaJun |
National University of Singapore | Spiral | Pa.Nic | jefrai | lovemathboy |
University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM | UIT.KHQ.TheUnkillableDemonKings | bin9638 | quanlt206 | Just_Memories |
University of Engineering and Technology — VNU | IBM Cloud | rainbowbunny | SliferSkyd | lanhf |
University of Science and Technology — The University of Danang | BKDN.Arcane | bkdn24.leevox | bkdn24.Ravenous | BaoJiaoPenguin |
University of Engineering and Technology — VNU | Azure | magnified | HollwoQ_Pelw | trungnotchung |
University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM | UIT.KNT.2mic1cup | ThucLV | lenhanbounofficial | swishy321 |
Pohang University of Science and Technology | PhoKing | slah007 | leo020630 | kwoncycle |
University of Engineering and Technology — VNU | Heroku | dnx04 | thabumi | Flower_On_Stone |
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education | Make HCMUTE Great | lamduybao03 | Huy_inIT | canhnam357 |
University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM | UIT.TTT.Baka | Asamai | shine_ | Chau |
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology | HCMUT FieryFirefly | Namine | toanlecuteee | pnlong2706 |
National Economics University | NEU.THQ | |||
Singapore Management University | BogoSort |
Yokohama Regional
Institution | Team | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 |
Kyoto University | Objective-KUB1 | cn449 | sheyasutaka | physics0523 |
Kyoto University | Red Phobia | yuma220284 | tko919 | (Atcoder) naniwazu |
Tohoku University | suzukaze_Aobayama | toam | karinohito | (Atcoder) Dispersion |
Institute of Science Tokyo | Bocchi The Tech | simasimarisa | ponjuice | Series_205 |
Institute of Science Tokyo | WADATSUMI | Rice_tawara459 | Nzt3 | tassei903 |
Keio University | Anonyms | Ayuna | momoyuu | someone__ |
National Institute of Technology, Tokuyama College | XNOR | sounansya | ryu150 | (Atcoder) i18hiromasa |
Osaka University | kotamanegi_hint_kureya | shinchankosen | Daylight_pro | (Atcoder) hint908 |
University of Tsukuba | I_do_understand_the_danger_of_overflow _and_really_want_to_use_32bit_integer | Yu_212 | keymoon | (Atcoder) Noela |
Kyoto University | THS | TKT_YI | (Atcoder) HoyHoyCharhang | |
Kyung Hee University | WayInWilderness | overnap | Linear_B | penguin2 |
Chulalongkorn University | ) ? — ? ) | ttamx | Pakpim | IceBorworntat |
My glorious king
I gotchu my bludge, my team consists of: me, me and me.
Objective-KUB1 = cn449 + sheyasutaka + physics0523 (aka KUB1sharp on 23-24 season)
Red Phobia = yuma220284 + tko919 + naniwazu (AtCoder)
These teams from Kyoto U have exactly the same member structure to the last year's APAC! The second decisive battle will be kicked off!
Make HCMUTE Great : lamduybao03 Huy_inIT canhnam357
HCMUT FieryFirefly: Namine toanlecuteee pnlong2706
(almost) complete list of team Japan
U Tokyo:
Screenwalkers = E869120 + square1001 + Kodaman
Kyoto U:
Objective-KUB1 = cn449 + sheyasutaka + physics0523 (aka KUB1sharp 2024 APAC)
Red Phobia = yuma220284 + tko919 + naniwazu (AtCoder) (same team from 2024 APAC)
THS = TKT_YI + HoyHoyCharhang (AtCoder) + ?(idk his ID)
Science Tokyo (used to be Tokyo Tech):
AMATSUKAZE = shobonvip + noya2 + Hemimor (AtCoder)
Bocchi The Tech = simasimarisa + ponjuice + Series_205 (same team from 2024 APAC)
WADATSUMI = Rice_tawara459 + Nzt3 + tassei903
Tohoku U:
suzukaze_Aobayama = toam + karinohito + Dispersion (AtCoder)
Waseda U:
2get = bayashiko + k1suxu + krps (AtCoder)
Keio U:
Anonyms = Ayuna + momoyuu + someone__
National Institute of Technology, Tokuyama College:
XNOR = sounansya + ryu150 + i18hiromasa (AtCoder)
Osaka U:
kotamanegi_hint_kureya = shinchankosen + Daylight_pro + hint908 (AtCoder)
kotamanegi_marukajiri = shogo314 + littlegirl112 + besukohu (AtCoder)
U of Tsukuba:
I_do_understand_the_danger_of_overflow_and_really_want_to_use_32bit_integer = Yu_212 + keymoon + Noela (AtCoder)
Damn, huge effort for this :3
any information of SpeedStar this year? :( why they not participate
今年のSpeedStarの情報はありますか? なぜ彼らは参加しないのか どうもありがとう
One license expired (over age) meber, and two remains are absent in this year
so sad , i really really really like this team , who is the expired member とても悲しい、私はこのチームが本当に本当に大好きです、期限切れのメンバーは誰ですか
I mean "expired" is who have too old birth age to join ICPC. noimi's birth year is 2000 but 24-25 season only allow >=2001
UIT.KHQ.TheUnkillableDemonKings = bin9638, quanlt206, Just_Memories
UIT.KNT.2mic1cup = ThucLV, lenhanbounofficial, swishy321
UIT.TTT.Baka = Asamai, shine_, Chau
std_abs: BurnedChicken, syl123456, abc864197532
KAIST slowforce: aimoon + cunhenry01
Third team member couldn't compete.
fruit_advantages: WiwiHo, Wayne_Yan, alvingogo
Auto comment: topic has been updated by DeMen100ns (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Interestingly, a few Universities send at least 3 teams to the super-regional. I wish we Europeans were as lucky. Our ICPC committee is not nearly as generous with invites.
Do you have many strong teams in Europe?
The difficulty and number of strong teams are very different between regionals. The team that failed to go super regional at hard regional might win at easy regional. So it's not that odd how regionals choose their super regional differently.
Endgame : JYJin plast Serendipity__
Redshift: shiftpsh Vermeil 1bin
AllTimeLegend: hulahula3247 Seungni W_NotFoundGD
IBM Cloud
WayInWilderness : overnap, Linear_B, penguin2
NEU.gugugaga: marvinthang, lmcutezzz, and nguyentunglam
SNU Daxinghao: kizen windva leinad2
Updated til this
BetterThanO1 : rulerofcakes MatWhyTle firstin0907
SpeedStar not in this year?
KAIST Gyerantak: SongC + mhy908 + Eunha
KAIST BIGSHOT: as_dfsdf + Kaling + mjhmjh1104
Chulalongkorn University: ttamx Pakpim IceBorworntat
RedCapeFlyingCat: niter + 1075508020060209tc + temmieowo
Updated til this comment
I also added some teams on Codeforces, including:
National University of Singapore — Spiral = Pa.Nic + jefrai + lovemathboy
For You and For Me: Maskrio, TakeMe, nandonathaniel
__builtin_orz() : warner1129, NEKOowo, BOSON._.
acwyfiphite = ItsJerr + iCanSeeForever + J_ai_bt_dou
Also, is this team 3 VNese?
Yes! The team name means "Free Fire Demon" in Vietnamese.
I think this team (AllTimeLegend from Sogang univ) has not updated yet, maybe because I posted with a reply so can be missed easily
Best wishes for you in next battle <:
gud luck to your team too :3