Processing math: 100%

Kerekiw's blog

By Kerekiw, 3 years ago, In English

Formulas are given in C/C++, which uses two's complemet

Beginner level

x = (1 << y) ^ x — toggle a bit.

x = (1 << y) | x — addding a bit.

x = ~(1 << y) & x — removing a bit.

if (1 << y & x) — check whether y-th bit is set.

Intermediate level

-x = ~x + 1 — negative x in two's complement representation.

x & (-x) — least significant bit, LSB

if (x && !((x-1) & x) — check whether x is a power of two

Complex level

Bit swap

p = ((x >> a) ^ (x >> b)) & 1
x ^= (p << a)
x ^= (p << b)

Number of set bits

aka population count. x = x & (x-1) removes least significant bit, Brian Kernighan method.

for (c = 0; x; c++)
    x = x & (x-1)

Swapping values

b ^= a ^= b;
a ^= b;

All submasks of mask

Excluding blank mask. Also, enumerating all masks and their submasks is O(3n).

for (int s = m; s; s = (s-1)&m)
	//do something

Bit scan forward

BSF, null indexed position of LSB. x should not be zero.

x = x & (-x);
int pos = 0;
if (x & 0xffff0000) pos += 16;
if (x & 0xff00ff00) pos += 8;
if (x & 0xf0f0f0f0) pos += 4;
if (x & 0xcccccccc) pos += 2;
if (x & 0xaaaaaaaa) pos += 1;

Next permutation

Rearranges bit set of number into the lexicographically next greater permutation.

t = x | (x - 1);
x = (t + 1) | (((~t & -~t) - 1) >> (BSF(v) + 1));


Most of these are useless or can be replaced with builtin functions, but if some of you find them intersting you should check out this list or this video.

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By Kerekiw, history, 3 years ago, In English

You are given an array a(1 <= ai <= 1e9) of length n(1 <= n <= 25). You need to choose two non-empty disjoint subsets with the same sum. Print the maximum possible sum among such pairs of subsets.

My solution gets TLE when n is 25 ->

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