Submissions to some old problems (without clear editorials or solutions) are greyed out. How can I know the solution to such problems in Codeforces?
The problem I am trying to learn:
Words on Editorial: "There is another, more difficult solution. If you know how to find the largest rectangle in the histogram inO(N) using a stack, then you may realize that you can actually apply the exact same strategy to find the largest square. The proof is left to the reader for exercise."
And my solution
n = int(input())
arr = list(map(int, input().split()))
def solve(heights):
maxside = 0
pstack, hstack = [], []
currarea, maxside = 0, 0
for i in range(len(heights)):
prevwidth = int(1e9)
while hstack != [] and hstack[-1] > heights[i]: # -_
prevwidth = pstack[-1]
width = i - pstack.pop()
height = hstack.pop()
if width == height:
maxside = max(maxside, width)
if maxside < heights[i] or not hstack or hstack[-1] < heights[i]: # _-
pstack.append(min(prevwidth, i))
return maxside
ans = solve(arr)
Largest Square under a histogram can be calculated using 2 Stacks, one for heights and one for indices.