Codeforces Round 222 (Div. 1) and Codeforces Round 222 (Div. 2) statistics (added median problem score) :
First accepted
Div. 1
A (00:04) fetetriste tourist
B (00:17) bmerry
C (00:32) acherepanov
D (00:25) tourist
E (01:20) Petr
Div. 2
A (00:01) Mihai22e VladimirVladimirov anchik12345 desperado123 fleimgruber imyzard sea5 shaunren 53645
B (00:09) Daria333
C (00:07) rais.fathin38
D (00:38) namonakiaccount
E (01:28) nishant4
Other info
Div. 1
Div. 2
Any comments or suggestions are welcome :)
I hacked a div1 B solution but your stats say that no div1 B was hacked.
The verdict table tells the following:
- how many participants stuck on pretests
- how many participants stuck on hack
- how many participants stuck on system test
You've hacked DBradac, but after hack, the problem was resubmitted and failed on system tests. So, the hacked user stuck on system tests, not on hack.
Okay, that was not obvious. Here is a suggestion then: please display the total number of hacks and the number of successful hacks for each problem.
There is columns description in the earlier posts (for example).
So, it makes sense to write a mini-faq and provide the link in each post.
The total number of hacks would be a bit harder to acquire, but I'll investigate this.