There is this awesome challenge which was started by @Hudayar few months back. Challenge was to take part in contests and increase rating by end of this year. Lot of members joined in this challenge by commenting on the blog, but there was no tracker for that contest, so I decided to make one as as side project. Here you can check this out and kindly let me know what you guys think about it.
Hey I think there is more than 190 participants
yeah bro if possible .. I wanna join too
Hi! Your site doesn't seem to work anymore...
Because I didn't see this before, I actually made a similar leaderboard just a few days ago here. Your site honestly looks more professional though.
If you want to join the leaderboard, just comment on this blog post! You'll be added automatically in a few minutes.
@thanhchauns2 @Snow
cirex, how I can subscribe to your list ?
Can you add me? I'm in.