If you want to used notepad for C++ and don't know how to:
1. Install Notepad++ :)
2. Install NppExec plugin Notepad->Plugins->Plugin manager
3. Install MinGw. Don't forget to set variable PATH.
4. Restart computer (in other way can be errors)
5. Type F6 to open the execute window
6. Write the following commands. Click on Save. Type a name to save the script. For Example: Compile C++ File
7. Go to Plugins->NppExec->Adavanced Options->Menu Item
8. In the compbox select the script recentle created and click Add->OK
9. Go to Settings->Shortcut mappter->Plugins->search for the script name
10. Select the shortcut to use (For example: F9), click ok
This tip could be used in many other languages. I have tried with Pascal.
can u suggest me best way to take input in notepad++.
just run code in terminal (for windows use wsl) and use command shortcut for that
nano ~/.bash_aliases
then write the code and save it
comp() { g++ -std=c++17 -O2 -o $1 $1.cpp; } run() { comp $1 && ./$1; }
after that just run bash command and then you can just run your code using run file_name
where should i write that script(comp()) im using cygwin64?
wait for galen_colin to help you