I observed lot of good coders could read and understand questions within seconds. I would have solved over 186 problems in leetcode(144 easy, 44 med, 2 hard), and over 200 problems on other sites in different accounts(including contests), still i can't comprehend questions faster. Even with some amount of practice, I find that, I am extremely slow in understanding simpler sentence. What is the technique which allows coder to read extremely fast and How one can one improve the speed of reading and understanding a problem?
solve more problems , you barely have done 30, it takes a lot more time
I would have solved over 186 problems in leetcode (144 easy, 44 med, 2 hard), and over 200 problems on other sites in different accounts(including contests), still i can't comprehend questions faster. Does it really improve with lot of practice or there is any other technique to it???
well I used to leetcode too , but codeforces is a whole different ballgame. The wordings in codeforces are a lot more mathematical imo , so its just practice.
Thank you for the reply priy1712
But if you're a beginner don't try to speed read, you won't really understand the question, or worse, misunderstand it.
And do some virtual contests
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Focus more on solving problems. It's nonsense when you read fast, but you aren't able to do it.