I am getting the following error when trying to build my contest: Contest "statements.ftl" doesn't contain '\usepackage {xparse}', but problem X does
Has someone already encountered such an issue? I have no idea why this is happening, because it is a very standard statement, written in Portuguese.
I have other problems and they seem to work just fine. I even tried to delete the statement and re-write but the issue persisted even for a blank statement!
I would appreciate any help, thanks!
Hi, I was with the exact same problem. Here it's how I solved it: go to the files of the problem, edit the file statements.ftl and remove the package xparse. It didn't change anything in the statement and removed the warning from the contest page.
I would guess that right now you already found a solution but hope it helps in case someone else is running into the same problem.
Yes, I already solved it in a similar way. I changed the statements.fl to default and it worked. Thanks for the reply