nutella2007's blog

By nutella2007, history, 5 weeks ago, In English

Hello. Does anyone know any (non-pseudo) primality tests with complexity better than O(√n)? The thing is, I was reading about a simple one that has O(∛n) or O(∜n) complexity, but now I just can't find it! I remember that the core idea was checking some divisors (not up to square root) and then analyzing cases of prime decomposition. Thank you.

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5 weeks ago, # |
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Miller–Rabin primality test is the fastest algorithm, but it is not deterministic. You need to run the test multiple times to reduce the failure probability.

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    5 weeks ago, # ^ |
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    For relatively small $$$n$$$, you can use a deterministic version of the Miller-Rabin test, which is the fastest. From the Wikipedia page:

    if n < 3,317,044,064,679,887,385,961,981, it is enough to test a = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, and 41.

    This should be enough for all practical purposes, and it has time complexity $$$O(k*log^3(n))$$$, where $$$k$$$ is the number of primes tested, 13 in this case.

    Additionally, there is the Pollard-Rho algorithm, which works in $$$O(n^{\frac{1}{4}})$$$ on average.