viralm's blog

By viralm, history, 9 years ago, In English

How to solve the following problem ?

For any 3 bit strings (consisting only of 1s and 0s) A, B and C, f(A,B,C) is defined as:

f(A,B,C)=(no. of 1s in ((A XOR B) AND C))/(no. of 1s in C).

We are given N bit strings initially. Then we are given Q queries. Each query contains 2 bit strings B and C. For each query output a single bit string A from the initial set of N bit strings, such that f(A,B,C) is minimum.

It is given that the size of all the bit strings given in the input = 2048 (constant).

   First line contains 2 integers N and Q.
   Then N lines follow, each containing a single bit string of length = 2048.
   Then Q lines follow,
   each containing 2 bit strings B and C each of length = 2048. B and C are space separated.
   For each query output one line containing the string A and f(A,B,C) (space separated).
   |A|=|B|=|C|=2048 (fixed for all strings)


     2 1
     1111 1111
     1011 0.25

Eagerly waiting for your replies. Thanks in advance.

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9 years ago, # |
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9 years ago, # |
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I think this can be done using trie. Build a trie using the initial N strings and search a string A which matches with B as closely as possible. Once you have the string A, rest is easy.

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    9 years ago, # ^ |
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    I think it is not possible in this way because it might be the case that as you move from the root towards the leaves, allowing the root node to have a mismatch might lead to the best possible answer.