Currently I developed a web app using the codeforces API. Due to current situation of, for most people that known the list of problems ladders from Codeforces and still solving this problems is a little difficult to see your progress due that only exist the static version of ladders but with this proposal I hope be helpful and you enjoy it. This is the first version, It is simple but with main functions to see the progress in solving ladders problems of any user of codeforces, If you found some bugs or have any opinion about new features please tell me as you know this is first version and I will work for better version.
- You can see the list of problem without introduce your user handle.
- If you want to see your progress just introduce your user handle.
- If you submit any problem this web app is making request to codeforces API that means that your progress must update and reflected in table and user information without refresh the web page.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by Isanchez_Aguilar (previous revision, new revision, compare).
Add the categories section Please
Thanks a lot, you are a saviour
Cool! Really useful thing!
Why split problems in groups of 10? I think making all 100 problems from a ladder appear on the same page would make it more identical to the a2oj ladders. BTW, nice work.
YES! I think it's a good idea to put more problems per page. Thank you!
yes this would be great if we can have 100 problems per page
It's done, thanks for obervation.
Thanks a lot
Beautiful work! Simple and effective
Thanks a lot for the website. Also, can you please increase number of problems displayed per page.
It's done, thanks for obervation.
Nice work bro. Can you also add the individual A B C D E .. ladders as many people have been solving them too. Thanks
Thank you! I'll be working in that.
if could do it as early as possible it will be helpful
Thanks a lot,it's wonderful and the interface is really cool!
Thank you, Any suggestion of some feature tell me. :D
Please add the category-wise ladders as well ( Like the div2E ladder )
How a level is assigned to a problem ?
1800-1899 ladder means 1900 difficulty problem in codeforces ?
I`m conflicted,how to use this app, and for what?
Its nice web but how the level is suggested.
If you don't know how the list was created check this post else tell me what do you mean, please.
I got it.
Categories Please?
Do you mean that add some feature to show list of problems by tags?
Yes, Please... like this one : A2OJ Categories
Ok, I'll be working in that, looks good, Thank you.
thanks to you
Auto comment: topic has been updated by Isanchez_Aguilar (previous revision, new revision, compare).
One more Problem which will be helpful if corrected!! Some problems are common in Div 1 and Div 2 rounds I have submitted my code on problem 373C(Div-2) but not on 372A(Div-1)
and your webapp shows me that I have not solved 372A (Ladder 1400-1499) It would be beneficial if corrected Thanks and regards
Thank you!!! and it would be nice if it had a side menu instead of the tab bar (makes it simple to navigate).