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please , help me , i cant get , why i have got RTE ( Or TLE as admin said : "Some of you might be getting RTE instead for TLE for you solutions" ) ...... My Solution which got RTE verdict :
An Accepted Code :
Please help me finding my mistake ......
@shovonshovo- can you please explain the logic behind your solution of AMSTRING ?
First we try to analyze the first input ,
n= 3 , k=2 aba
(a )ba
(a )bb
It is the selection. (1 , 1 ) to (1 , 1). Similaryly
(a b)a * (a b a) * a(b)a *a(ba) * ab(a)
(a b)b * (a b a) * a(b)b *a(bb) * ab(b)
Here characters enclosed by first bracket means that we have selected these (LA, RA, LB, RB) and as their hamming distance is <=2 .
Now, we are looking for the solutions of la=k and lb=k+i , for all i=1,2,3....,n-1
that is ,
aba. .abb
By cutting down the both side, we can write it as,
now , from two string ba and ab we can have 3 selsection (calculate your self)
similarly, calculate for, ab[a].. ..[a]ba
there is just a 1 selection,
Now, do the revese things, string a will be shifted and b will be fixed,
.[ab]a a[bb]. there is 3 solutions,
these is 1 selection.
So, total solution is : 6+3+1+3+1=14
Now, How to calculate this one faster ?
Mine was calculated ovearall N*N log2(N) , which is O(10^7).
in n^2 way we can fix start and end point of each string.
Now, just do a pre-calculation of mis-matched character ........ sum the value up to the end.
Now,just make a walk , for each index , make a binary search to get : "how far i can go having hamming distance <=K".
Summing up all these subproblem , you will get your desired answer.
My Accepted Solution :