Всем привет!
Сегодня я хочу представить вам новый проект Competitive Programming Hall of Fame, который уже доступен по адресу cphof.org
Немного истории
Довольно давно я обнаружил, что в Интернете нет единого источника информации, который содержал бы результаты международных чемпионатов по спортивному программированию. Более того, сайты старых соревнований постепенно отмирают, и найти важные детали становится сложно, а порой и вовсе невозможно. Поэтому я решил создать сайт под названием Competitive Programming Hall of Fame.
О проекте
Competitive Programming Hall Of Fame — это проект, созданный с целью сохранить историю международных чемпионатов по спортивному программированию. На этом сайте хранятся результаты финалов всемирных и региональных контестов. Под международным чемпионатом мы понимаем соревнование, состоящее из нескольких этапов, и доступное для участников из более, чем одной страны.
Проект на данный момент сфокусирован на международных соревнованиях, имеющих онсайт-финал, а также на менее крупных чемпионатах, в финал которых выходит до ста финалистов. Для каждого из участников на сайте есть страница-профиль со списком контестов, в которых он выходил в финальный этап, а также с таблицей Timeline.
На сайте все чемпионаты разделены на пять категорий: Worldwide Onsites (Major Competitions), Worldwide High School and Collegiate Onsites, Worldwide Online Championships, Regional Contests, и Local Contests.
Как можно помочь проекту
Вы можете помочь, предоставив информацию, которая отсутствует или указана неправильно на нашем сайте. Пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь для этого формой на странице cphof.org/contribute или же комментариями/личными сообщениями на Codeforces.
Мы будем особенно рады, если вы сможете найти и поделиться с нами информацией по одному из этих пунктов:
- Результаты любого международного чемпионата по программированию, который не представлен на сайте;
- Неверные данные на нашем сайте, несколько разных профилей для одного и того же человека (или наоборот, профили нескольких разных людей оказались склеены в один);
- Неправильное написание имён;
- Составы команд и призы за ACM-ICPC World Finals 2005 и более ранних;
- Таблицы результатов (с количеством сданных задач и штрафом) для ACM-ICPC World Finals 2009, а также до 1998 года включительно;
- Составы команд Google Hash Code и Challenge24 за любой год.
Выражаю благодарность aropan (clist.by), eduardische (stats.ioinformatics.org), kostka (kostka.dev), snarknews (snarknews.info), zibada (zibada.guru), неизвестному автору www.go-hero.net, MikeMirzayanov, а также всем авторам (Codeforces)-блогов со списками финалистов различных контестов за создание ценных ресурсов, которые разделяют цель сохранить историю международных чемпионатов по спортивному программировнию. Без них наш сайт не смог бы быть столь детальным. А ещё хочется сказать спасибо aropan, DAle, Romka и tourist за некоторые полезные советы перед запуском.
Just a joke: can we have a rating of participants by the estimated sum of prize money?
I'd like to add something like that in the future. At least for top-100 in the world, or something like that.
Or rating by the number of laptops, phones and tablets won.
This is a great initiative taken towards past cpp results preservation. Great idea. Cheers.
The question is, what's the easiest way to appear in there?
Either advance to the finals of some international programming championship, or remember, that it has already happened, and provide us with this information.
You guys are great. I almost burst into tears of nostalgia .
Thank you! That was a great time!
This is unbelievable, thank you to everyone involved for creating such a fantastic project!
well me also searching for cool projects so thankyou
tourist has won approximately $350000 in prizes from competitive programming!
Absolutely incredible!
And it is only if we count large championships!
I didn't see my self in that :))))
Many years I dream about Grand Slam in CP and other Majors, 500, 250 and challengers (oh, yes I'm big fan of ATP and WTA).
Hope it's possible to create some kind of year schedule of tournaments (Will we have much early announces?) and some kind of year rolling rating.
Interesting idea!
I think it would be good if you added IMO results too.
I do understand that IMO is not Competitive Programming, but we can kinda add that as "Other achievements"? I can see that as a category (but, well, I can also imagine it being hard to develop and maintain).
Also I do think achievements as coaches should be there as well, like ICPC coaches.
It certaianly makes sense, but current focus is on acheivements as a competitive programmer. I will think about adding info on ICPC coaches a bit later.
Is Codeforces contribution technically a competition?
Never-ending one :)
Not true. When the next mass extinction event happens and Codeforces ceases to exist, we can declare the winner.
In that case you need to wait for 50 more years :)
Great work!
How do you see cases when one university devours another one? This happened with mine.
Would be nice to add Marathon24 / Deadline24 / Pizza Contest and similar. I couldn't find the results :(
Also, what about Russian AI Cup, Codingame, ...?
Is your case more like renaming, or like two universities merged into one?
I'm going to add these contests in the future (to the Local category). And fortunately, I already have most of the results. Except for team members of Challenge24.
It is not decided yet.
In my case Samara SAU was merged with Samara SU and became Samara NRU. As Samara SU never had any significant results in CP, it can be considered as renaming on this site.
Such merges were very common in Russian regions about 5 years ago, I remember there was something like a plan to have One Big National Research University in all big regions. I think there are some other universities affected to a greater extent.
It's really a nice effort !! I will surely write whatever I find is missing.
In the beginning I was confused that why people downvote comments with nothing wrong, recently i found that only hindi names or people from countries India and near countries are been downvoted and there is no specific reason to that so if you really dont want a fair votes on your comment dont let your identity be disclosed so that you can get a fair voting on comments. If you also have noticed the same you can upvote this comment
In the beginning I was confused why this comment is even here in the first place.
Oh, your comment is totally irrelevant to this blog. Go to other blogs that have similar topics, or create one your own (at the risk of being downvoted if you don't think wise enough, ofc).
Hall of fame....
Where is Snark news?
My info was wrong. I didn't go to ICPC WF 3 times. ICPC 2014 (in team FPT University) was a different guy with the same name.
Nguyen moment
Sorry, that was some bug during merging. I'll fix it manually today.
Can I ask a question, how long will I get a new rated after a contest ?
While accessing www.go-hero.net , to get the submission of past rounds of codejam, it is showing 404 Error!. Could someone help?
It looks like the links at go-hero.net are broken because they point to the old Code Jam website.
Ok. Thanks for the confirmation. Can we somehow redirect to the new links? If it is allowed I can create one pull request and update the link.
I'm not the author of go-hero.net, so can't clarify anything on that.
Two different profile is created for the same person. Profile 1:https://cphof.org/profile/ioi:2791 Profile 2:https://cphof.org/profile/topcoder:nfssdq Both profiles are for the same person. Ra16bit Maybe you will merge the profiles into one?
Thanks, I've merged them.