Мы готовы рассказать о международных сборах по программированию Moscow International Workshop 2021. В этот раз они пройдут дистанционно с 21 по 27 ноября для двух дивизионов: А и B.
К участию приглашаются студенческие команды со всего мира. Обратите внимание: обучение проходит на английском языке. Что будет в программе:
пять 5-часовых контестов;
разбор задач с тренерами;
лекции от преподавателей ведущих российских вузов, а также бывших участников и победителей ICPC.
А еще в день старта участники смогут испытать себя в чемпионате, проходящем в рамках фестиваля RuCode 4.0.
Зачем нужны MW?
Сборы Moscow International Workshops помогают подготовиться к этапам студенческого чемпионата мира по спортивному программированию ICPC, а также прокачать hard skills в алгоритмах и умение работать в команде, что тоже очень важно! Еще один аргумент − в 2019 году 11 из 12 медалистов ICPC проходили обучение в Moscow Workshops. Согласитесь, статистика довольно впечатляющая!
Скорее собирайте команду и присоединяйтесь! Зарегистрироваться для участия можно тут: https://it-edu.com/1e27
Подробности по ссылке: https://it-edu.com/zdtr
Which 11 medalists were trained at Moscow Workshops?
Our team didn't participated and I cannot find some other medalist team (University of Cambridge, ...) in the scoreboard of the workshop.
Oh, come on. They didn't expect anybody will actually go and check the information, why did you do that?!
I'm even fine with them including our team, even though we didn't participate in last two camps, mostly because I personally didn't want to interact with Moscow Workshops in any way.
Maybe they meant that 11 people from 12 medalist teams were participating.
11 of the 12 medalists of the ICPC 2021 finals were trained in Moscow Workshops.
Both World Finals for the season 2020-2021 and season 2021-2022 have not yet been held. What does ICPC 2021 finals refer to?
The 44th annual World Finals of ICPC 2021 was postponed from 2020 to 2021 and was held in Moscow from October 1st to 6th.
So, what you are saying is that originally "World Finals of ICPC 2021" was planned to be in 2020?
They obviously mean season 2018-19, just look at the Russian version of the blog.
Here is the ICPC 2021 finalist table http://joxi.ru/Dr8XGXzCJgD9Lr. Everyone except the Cambridge University team was the Moscow Workshops members. You can check this information in the broadcasts of the main moderator of the contests MW — Oleg Khristenko on his website http://prefinals2021.workshops.it-edu.mipt.ru/. Alternatively, you can contact any of these 11 teams for confirmation of their past participation in the Moscow Workshops.
Seoul NU? MIT? Maybe some teams from those universities participated in some of your camps, but...
Looks like ainta has alternatively contacted his team and they couldn't confirm their participation
Will the test data and submissions of the contest be available to the participants?
In the description it says
access to upsolving of the contests within six months
, does it mean that after six months it's not possible to continue solving the problems?