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a problem about game theory

Revision en2, by a2dalek, 2020-12-05 14:30:48

I can't solve this problem: There are N stones (N<=1e18) and two players. They play alterably. At the k-th turn, player must take at least 1 stone but can take no more than k stones (At the first turn you can take no more than 1, at the second turn you can take no more than 2,..). Who takes the last stone is the winner. Give N, who will win the game, player 1 or player 2 ? Please help me. Tks.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English a2dalek 2020-12-05 14:33:21 0 (published)
en3 English a2dalek 2020-12-05 14:32:16 24
en2 English a2dalek 2020-12-05 14:30:48 100 (saved to drafts)
en1 English a2dalek 2020-12-05 13:33:11 327 Initial revision (published)