Hi everybody!
Glad to tell you that tomorrow on 9:05 UTC there will be Codeforces Round #345. The round is formed of the first day of X Moscow Open Olympiad problemset with several additional problems created for this round. This round is brought to you by the scientific committee of Moscow Programming Olympiads controlled by GlebsHP, romanandreev and your humble servant, and also with a great help of fcspartakm who helped us make a complete problemset of our problems.
The round will be conducted under the standard Codeforces rules, you will be given 5 problems for 2 hours. Yes, this round is rated :)
Note that because of holding the main onsite round system testing and upsolving will be available no earlier than 12:35 UTC. Also we would like to ask you to not discuss problems in comments during the time between the end of the round and the end of the onsite competition. All comments with discussions will be removed and the most active violators will be punished. Thanks for your understanding.
UPD Sorry, the round start was moved to 9:25 UTC. It is not easy to run onsite round and Codeforces Round simultaneously!
UPD2 You may discuss the solutions! System testing will be run shortly.
UPD3 The editorial has finally appeared: http://mirror.codeforces.com/blog/entry/43677 Sorry for the delay!