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Codeforces Round #592 (Div. 2)

Revision en1, by fcspartakm, 2019-10-12 12:51:27

Hello, Codeforces!

I'd like to invite you toCodeforces Round #592 (Div. 2). It'll be held on Sunday, October 13 at 12:05 MSK. Note that round starts in the unusual time!

The round will be rated for the participants with rating lower than 2100. The statements will be available in Russian and English.

This round is held on the tasks of the regional stage All-Russian Team Olympiad of Informatics 2019/2020 year in city Saratov. The problems were prepared by Ivan BledDest Androsov, Vladimir vovuh Petrov and me.

Great thanks to Ivan isaf27 Safonov for helping in preparing the contest, to Mike (MikeMirzayanov) Mirzayanov for the great Codeforces and Polygon platform and to Ivan CaseRuten Khudoshin, Ivan Ivan19981305 Georgiev, Leonid Peinot Mironov, Anton anon20016 Lebedev, Ksenia Pavlova Pavlova and Dmitriy dmitrii.krasnihin Krasnihin for writing solutions.

You will be given seven problems and two hours to solve them. The scoring distribution will be published soon. Good luck everyone!

Tags div2, 592, round


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en5 English fcspartakm 2019-10-14 10:30:35 65
ru5 Russian fcspartakm 2019-10-14 10:30:18 68
ru4 Russian fcspartakm 2019-10-13 14:58:13 1 Мелкая правка: '* Разбаллока **500-1' -> '* Разбалловка **500-1'
en4 English fcspartakm 2019-10-13 12:01:22 74
ru3 Russian fcspartakm 2019-10-13 12:00:55 60
ru2 Russian fcspartakm 2019-10-12 13:01:37 2
en3 English fcspartakm 2019-10-12 13:01:06 2
en2 English fcspartakm 2019-10-12 12:51:38 1 Tiny change: 'ite you to[Codeforce' -> 'ite you to [Codeforce'
en1 English fcspartakm 2019-10-12 12:51:27 1343 Initial revision for English translation
ru1 Russian fcspartakm 2019-10-12 12:44:59 1363 Первая редакция (опубликовано)