Блог пользователя Ra16bit

Автор Ra16bit, 13 дней назад, По-английски

Meta Hacker Cup 2024 Final Round is scheduled for this Saturday. Take a look at the list of finalists below.

Interactive version of this table can be found at the of Competitive Programming Hall of Fame: link

Hacker Cup Handle CF Handle CF Rating Country Hacker Cups Before Best Place
Benjamin Qi (Benq) Benq 3529 United States 3 1st place (2022)
Максим Гороховский (maksim1744) Maksim1744 2817 Russia 0
Ziqian Zhong TLE 2833 China 2 4th place (2023)
Yuhao Du (apiad) jqdai0815 3682 China 4 2nd place (2016)
邓明扬 (Slime) Rewinding 3373 China 1 9th place (2022)
Mateusz Radecki (Radewoosh) Radewoosh 3483 Poland 6 5th place (2019)
Neal Wu neal 2901 United States 3 7th place (2022)
조승현 (ainta) ainta 2815 South Korea 2 16th place (2021)
Nishimoto Masaki (maspy) maspy 3292 Japan 0
박상수 (molamola) molamola. 3036 South Korea 4 4th place (2019)
Ivan Safonov (isaf27) isaf27 3110 Russia 0
Wojtek Nadara (Swistakk) Swistakk 2928 Poland 0
Yui Hosaka (hos.lyric) hos.lyric 3349 Japan 4 5th place (2012, 2013)
Harris Leung (Xopowo) gamegame 3374 Hong Kong 0
Andrew He (ecnerwala) ecnerwala 3392 United States 5 1st place (2021)
Hirotaka Isa (HIR180) HIR180 2753 Japan 1 19th place (2023)
Ilya Kornakov (ilyakor) ilyakor 2486 Switzerland 3 9th place (2012)
Ryotaro Sato (hitonanode) hitonanode 2914 Japan 3 13th place (2022)
Kevin Sun (ksun48) ksun48 3489 Canada 5 9th place (2018)
Arvin Leung (arvindf232) arvindf232 3127 Hong Kong 2 18th place (2023)
Gennady Korotkevich (tourist) tourist 3985 Belarus 10 1st place (2014, 2015, 2019, 2020, 2023)
Konstantin Lutsenko (KostasKostil) KostasKostil 2611 Ukraine 0
Егор Дубовик 244mhq 3108 Belarus 0
Ling Ziheng (SSerxhs) SSerxhs 3027 China 0
Rain Jiang (rainboy) rainboy 1988 United States 1 12th place (2023)

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Автор Ra16bit, история, 2 недели назад, По-английски

Yandex Cup 2024 onsite finals is happening today in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Live streams of the event can be found here.

As there was no official post about Algorithm finals, I've collected the list of finalists here. Interactive version of it is available at the Competitive Programming Hall of Fame website: link.

Yandex Handle CF Handle CF Rating Country Yandex Finals Before Best Place
hos.lyric hos.lyric 3349 Japan 2 2nd place (2014, 2023)
yahordubovik 244mhq 3108 Belarus 1 6th place (2023)
Fedor Romashov Ormlis 3088 Russia 0
Ryo Takahashi kotatsugame 3081 Japan 1 5th place (2023)
golikovnik golikovnik 2439 Russia 0
maroonrk maroonrk 3266 Japan 1 7th place (2023)
ecnerwala ecnerwala 3392 United States 1 3rd place (2023)
potato167 potato167 3112 Japan 1 14th place (2023)
ksun48 ksun48 3489 Canada 1 1st place (2023)
k.kudryashov.2004 Kirill22 2762 Russia 0
Ivan Safonov isaf27 3110 Russia 0
Rubikun_ Rubikun 3006 Japan 0
nagibin.vv@phystech.edu Pechalka 2705 Russia 1 11th place (2023)
maspypy@gmail.com maspy 3292 Japan 0
hitonanode hitonanode 2914 Japan 0
koosaga@gmail.com ko_osaga 2928 South Korea 0
sserxhs SSerxhs 3027 China 0 Doesn't attend
Михаил Пикляев awoo 2421 Russia 0
Denis Mustafin Kapt 3089 Russia 1 15th place (2023)
Benjamin Q. Benq 3529 United States 0
Egor Kulikov Egor 2990 Germany 2 1st place (2016)

UPD: SSerxhs doesn't attend the onsite Final, so Egor who was 21st in Semifinal is invited instead.

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Автор Ra16bit, история, 10 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hi Codeforces,

Today I've added the historical results of Google Hash Code finals to the Competitive Programming Hall of Fame website! Years 2019-2022 have been added to the newly made "Major Team Competitions" category, while 2015-2018 seasons were categorized as "Regional International Contests" because they were available only for participants from the EMEA region back then.

Here are the final standings for all the seasons: Link

Unfortunately, for years 2018 and earlier, I don't know the team members for a majority of finalist teams. So, you will help a lot if you know more about it and can send this information in the comments secontion below or here.

Last but not the least, now you have a possibility to make a donation to Competitive Programming Hall of Fame to support the project. I've created a special page for that.

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Автор Ra16bit, история, 12 месяцев назад, По-английски

As we know Meta Hacker Cup Finals 2023 will be happening this Saturday. I've collected the list of its finalists below. Three of them already were Hacker Cup champions before, that's impressive!

Interactive version of this table can be found at the special page of Competitive Programming Hall of Fame.

Hacker Cup Handle CF Handle CF Rating Country Hacker Cups Before Best Place
Mateusz Radecki (Radewoosh) Radewoosh 3759 Poland 5 5th place (2019)
Benjamin Qi (Benq) Benq 3644 United States 2 1st place (2022)
Алексей Данилюк (Um_nik) Um_nik 3403 Ukraine 6 2nd place (2021)
蒋凌宇 (jiangly) jiangly 3662 China 2 3rd place (2021)
Riku Kawasaki (maroonrk) maroonrk 3454 Japan 4 5th place (2021)
Petr Mitrichev (Petr) Petr 3296 Switzerland 10 1st place (2011, 2013, 2017)
Jaehyun Koo (ko_osaga) ko_osaga 3193 South Korea 4 6th place (2020)
Ryo Takahashi (kotatsugame) kotatsugame 2953 Japan 0
Kohei Morita (yosupo) yosupo 3026 Japan 2 18th place (2016)
Hirotaka Isa (HIR180) HIR180 3102 Japan 0
Kentaro Matsushita (noimi) noimi 2968 Japan 1 21st place (2022)
Anton Trygub (antontrygubO_o) antontrygubO_o 2918 Ukraine 0
Arvin Leung (arvindf232) arvindf232 3027 Hong Kong 1 20th place (2022)
Nikita Golikov (golikovnik) golikovnik 2394 Russia 0
Gennady Korotkevich (tourist) tourist 3486 Belarus 9 1st place (2014, 2015, 2019, 2020)
Kevin Sun (ksun48) ksun48 3206 Canada 4 9th place (2018)
Ziqian Zhong TLE 3084 China 1 11th place (2022)
Ramazan Rakhmatullin (grumpy_gordon) never_giveup 3043 Russia 1 21st place (2020)
박상수 (molamola) molamola. 3082 South Korea 3 4th place (2019)
Yui Hosaka (hos.lyric) hos.lyric 3119 Japan 3 5th place (2012, 2013)
Keita Murase tute7627 2762 Japan 0
黃仲群 (i_am_noob) BurnedChicken 3220 Taiwan 0
Rain Jiang (rainboy) rainboy 1945 United States 0
Neal Wu neal 2920 United States 2 7th place (2022)
Ryotaro Sato (hitonanode) hitonanode 2752 Japan 2 13th place (2022)

As usual, I wish good luck to all the finalists! And please let me know if some information is missing, incorrect or outdated.

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Автор Ra16bit, история, 13 месяцев назад, По-английски

Worldwide onsite finals became rare these days, but one of them, which is Yandex Cup 2023 Algorithm, will happen this weekend in Almaty, Kazakhstan. I've collected some statistics about finalists at the Competitive Programming Hall of Fame website: link

Also providing the list of participants that advanced to the final round here:

Yandex Handle CF Handle CF Rating Country Comment
ecnerwala ecnerwala 3505 United States
hos.lyric hos.lyric 3119 Japan
maroon_kuri maroonrk 3454 Japan
BatrrS 998kover 2729 Kazakhstan
yahordubovik 244mhq 3105 Belarus
Heltion2023 Sugar_fan 3019 China
Всеволод Нагибин Pechalka 2503 Russia
Иван Сафонов isaf27 3160 Russia Doesn't attend
yosupot yosupo 3026 Japan
ainta1 ainta 2946 South Korea
turevski2010 turmax 3007 Russia
errorgorn errorgorn 2865 Singapore
mustafin.dn@phystech.edu Kapt 2747 Russia
Scott Wu scott_wu 3297 United States Doesn't attend
ksun48 ksun48 3206 Canada
상수 박 molamola. 3082 South Korea
Egor Kulikov Egor 2901 Germany Doesn't attend
potato167 potato167 2867 Japan
takaryou1019@gmail.com kotatsugame 2953 Japan
KAN KAN 3014 Russia
imbard7@gmail.com Vercingetorix 2904 Russia
Jeroen Op de Beek jeroenodb 2759 Netherlands

Good luck to the finalists!

P.S. If you have any information about mysterious takaryou1019, or about some changes in the finalists list, please let me know.

UPD There should be live stream of the final round at the official website.

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Автор Ra16bit, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

Hi Codeforces!

I'm happy to show you two new features, that I've added to the Competitive Programming Hall of Fame website recently. You can find both of them at the main page:

 Main Page

The "Top-100" page allows to see the top performers in major competitions, and the top prize winners.

How the Top-100 page looks like

The "Advanced" pages contain the lists of participants who advanced to the finals of the upcoming contests. For each of the finalists, there is a bunch of interesting information like ratings and performance history. Most of the columns of the table are sortable. Now there are two advancers lists available: Finalists of Topcoder Open 2022 Marathon and Finalists of Topcoder Open 2022 Algorithm. Both of these competitions will be held this week!

Example: TCO Algorithm 2022 Finalists page

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Автор Ra16bit, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

Google Code Jam 2022 Virtual World Finals will take place today. They have published the list of finalists recently. For some reason SpyCheese and duality are not in the list. And there are 26 finalists this year (not 25), here they are:

GCJ Handle CF Handle Country CF Rating Finals before Best place before
Gennady.Korotkevich tourist Belarus 3771 8 Seven times GCJ World Champion (2014-2020)
Benq Benq United States 3513 2 5th @ GCJ 2021
Um_nik Um_nik Ukraine 3539 1 8th @ GCJ 2021
simonlindholm simonlindholm Sweden 2739 3 7th @ GCJ 2017
KalininN KAN Russia 3014 3 7th @ GCJ 2020
jiangly jiangly China 3688 0
Radewoosh Radewoosh Poland 3406 3 5th @ GCJ 2019
y0105w49 y0105w49 Canada 2867 0
ksun48 ksun48 Canada 3452 2 2nd @ GCJ 2020
molamola molamola. South Korea 3082 2 11th @ GCJ 2019
xll114514 jqdai0815 China 3466 2 6th @ GCJ 2017
yutaka1999 yutaka1999 Japan 3190 2 10th @ GCJ 2020
CauchySheep Rewinding China 3498 1 4th @ GCJ 2021
ImBarD Vercingetorix Russia 2929 0
lumibons lumibons Germany 2976 0
ACRushTC ACRush China 3047 7 Two times GCJ World Champion (2008, 2009)
qwerty787788 qwerty787788 Ukraine 2735 2 12th @ GCJ 2019
mhq 244mhq Belarus 2967 0
Snuke snuke Japan 3251 1 22nd @ GCJ 2017
ecnerwala ecnerwala United States 3318 3 3rd @ GCJ 2019 and 2020
dacin21 dacin21 Switzerland 2682 3 6th @ GCJ 2019
BigBag BigBag Ukraine 2765 0
Golovanov399 Golovanov399 Russia 2973 1 23rd @ GCJ 2018
NyaanNyaan Nyaan Japan 2720 0
zemen zemen Russia 2945 2 2nd @ GCJ 2017
mnbvmar mnbvmar Poland 3166 2 4th @ GCJ 2019

Best of luck to all the finalists!

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Автор Ra16bit, история, 3 года назад, перевод, По-русски

Всем привет!

Сегодня я хочу представить вам новый проект Competitive Programming Hall of Fame, который уже доступен по адресу cphof.org


Немного истории

Довольно давно я обнаружил, что в Интернете нет единого источника информации, который содержал бы результаты международных чемпионатов по спортивному программированию. Более того, сайты старых соревнований постепенно отмирают, и найти важные детали становится сложно, а порой и вовсе невозможно. Поэтому я решил создать сайт под названием Competitive Programming Hall of Fame.

О проекте

Competitive Programming Hall Of Fame — это проект, созданный с целью сохранить историю международных чемпионатов по спортивному программированию. На этом сайте хранятся результаты финалов всемирных и региональных контестов. Под международным чемпионатом мы понимаем соревнование, состоящее из нескольких этапов, и доступное для участников из более, чем одной страны.

Проект на данный момент сфокусирован на международных соревнованиях, имеющих онсайт-финал, а также на менее крупных чемпионатах, в финал которых выходит до ста финалистов. Для каждого из участников на сайте есть страница-профиль со списком контестов, в которых он выходил в финальный этап, а также с таблицей Timeline.

Пример Timeline двух знаменитых чемпионов

На сайте все чемпионаты разделены на пять категорий: Worldwide Onsites (Major Competitions), Worldwide High School and Collegiate Onsites, Worldwide Online Championships, Regional Contests, и Local Contests.

Подробная информация об этих категориях

Как можно помочь проекту

Вы можете помочь, предоставив информацию, которая отсутствует или указана неправильно на нашем сайте. Пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь для этого формой на странице cphof.org/contribute или же комментариями/личными сообщениями на Codeforces.

Мы будем особенно рады, если вы сможете найти и поделиться с нами информацией по одному из этих пунктов:

  • Результаты любого международного чемпионата по программированию, который не представлен на сайте;
  • Неверные данные на нашем сайте, несколько разных профилей для одного и того же человека (или наоборот, профили нескольких разных людей оказались склеены в один);
  • Неправильное написание имён;
  • Составы команд и призы за ACM-ICPC World Finals 2005 и более ранних;
  • Таблицы результатов (с количеством сданных задач и штрафом) для ACM-ICPC World Finals 2009, а также до 1998 года включительно;
  • Составы команд Google Hash Code и Challenge24 за любой год.


Выражаю благодарность aropan (clist.by), eduardische (stats.ioinformatics.org), kostka (kostka.dev), snarknews (snarknews.info), zibada (zibada.guru), неизвестному автору www.go-hero.net, MikeMirzayanov, а также всем авторам (Codeforces)-блогов со списками финалистов различных контестов за создание ценных ресурсов, которые разделяют цель сохранить историю международных чемпионатов по спортивному программировнию. Без них наш сайт не смог бы быть столь детальным. А ещё хочется сказать спасибо aropan, DAle, Romka и tourist за некоторые полезные советы перед запуском.

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Автор Ra16bit, история, 3 года назад, По-английски

The Wildcard Round of TopCoder Open 2021 Algorithm is over, so the list of Semifinals advancers is finalized now. I've put some stats about them into the table below. Here we have two former champions, and four people who had 2nd place before!

Good luck to all the semifinalists in November!

Qualified from TC Handle TC Rating CF Handle CF Rating Country Onsites before Best place before
Stage 1 lyrically 3253 hos.lyric 3204 Japan 3 2nd @ TCO 2019
Stage 2 Petr 3608 Petr 3414 Switzerland 13 Four times TCO Algo Champion (2006, 2013, 2015, 2018)
Stage 3 tourist 3841 tourist 3819 Belarus 8 Three times TCO Algo Champion (2014, 2019, 2020)
Stage 4 bqi343 3560 Benq 3745 United States 1 Semifinalist @ TCO 2020
Round 4 ACRush 3522 ACRush 3047 China 8 2nd @ TCO 2010
Round 4 scott_wu 3437 scott_wu 3169 United States 5 3rd @ TCO 2017
Round 4 SpyCheese 3179 SpyCheese 2643 Russia 0 Qualified to Semifinals @ TCO 2019
Round 4 gs14004 3039 ko_osaga 3103 South Korea 0
Round 4 ecnerwal 3488 ecnerwala 3336 United States 3 2nd @ TCO 2020
Round 4 Um_nik 3334 Um_nik 3489 Russia 5 4th @ TCO 2018
Round 4 neal_wu 3294 neal 3147 United States 1 9th @ TCO 2020
Round 4 Heltion 2642 Sugar_fan 2951 China 0
Round 4 kuniavski 2826 PavelKunyavskiy 2845 Russia 2 2nd @ TCO 2015
Round 4 maroon_kuri 3063 maroonrk 3400 Japan 1 Semifinalist @ TCO 2019
Wildcard grumpy_gordon 2645 never_giveup 2762 Russia 0
Wildcard krijgertje 2786 krijgertje 2937 Netherlands 5 5th @ TCO 2016

By "Onsites before" above I mean TCO Algorithm Onsites, of course. If you find some mistakes in the table, feel free to tell me via direct message.

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Автор Ra16bit, история, 3 года назад, По-английски

Today is the day of Google Code Jam 2021 Virtual World Finals. Haven't seen a blog with the list of finalists yet, so I decided to create one. Here they are (in the order they've qualified from Round 3):

GCJ Handle CF Handle Country CF Rating Finals before Best place before
Gennady.Korotkevich tourist Belarus 3819 7 Seven times GCJ World Champion (2014-2020)
xll114514 jqdai0815 China 3681 1 6th @ GCJ 2017
Um_nik Um_nik Russia 3489 0
maroon maroonrk Japan 3400 0
semiexp. semiexp Japan 3115 5 10th @ GCJ 2016
scottwu scott_wu United States 3169 2 4th @ GCJ 2020
yosupot yosupo Japan 3066 1 16th @ GCJ 2016
peehs_moorhsum Rewinding China 3410 0
Radewoosh Radewoosh Poland 3511 2 5th @ GCJ 2019
wxh010910 sunset China 3338 0
ACRushTC ACRush China 3047 6 Two times GCJ World Champion (2008, 2009)
ecnerwala ecnerwala United States 3336 2 3rd @ GCJ 2019 and 2020
fedoseev.timofey fedoseev.timofey Russia 2888 0
panole panole China 3044 0
ainta ainta South Korea 2853 3 8th @ GCJ 2020
Benq Benq United States 3745 1 6th @ GCJ 2020
Egor Egor Germany 3113 10 GCJ World Champion (2010)
gispzjz gisp_zjz China 3205 0
koosaga ko_osaga South Korea 3103 1 12th @ GCJ 2020
PavelKunyavskiy PavelKunyavskiy Russia 2845 3 8th @ GCJ 2018
bmerry bmerry South Africa 3056 7 3rd @ GCJ 2008 and 2015
satashun satashun Japan 2631 0
molamola molamola. South Korea 3076 1 11th @ GCJ 2019
HYEA Konijntje South Korea 2900 0
heno239 heno239 Japan 3262 0

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Автор Ra16bit, история, 5 лет назад, По-русски

Today I've noticed, that dates of Algorithm rounds have been changed at this page: https://tco20.topcoder.com/competition-overview/algorithm/algorithm-rules

For example, previously Round 2A was scheduled for May 23, and Round 4 — for August 1. Now, it looks like Rounds 2A and 2B will be held in July, 3A and 3B in August, and Round 4 on September 5. Can someone from TCO organizers confirm this information?

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Автор Ra16bit, 14 лет назад, По-русски
Насколько я помню, раньше на сайте http://neerc.ifmo.ru/trains было доступно дорешивание задач с предыдущих контестов. Не подскажете, где сейчас можно его найти?

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