Осталось 7 дней до конца регистрации на Олимпиаду Университета Иннополис для школьников 7-11 классов по математике и информатике!
Олимпиада входит в перечень РСОШ на 2017/2018 — победители и призеры получат возможность поступить в вуз без вступительных испытаний или получить 100 баллов ЕГЭ по профильному предмету. Успешные результаты на ООУИ позволят попасть на зимнюю школу олимпиадной подготовки по математике и информатике.
Регистрация открыта на сайте до 1 декабря.
Даты заочных туров:
- Информатика — 2 декабря в 15.00, 17 декабря в 10.00;
- Математика — 3 декабря в 10.00, 16 декабря в 15.00.
Победители будут приглашены на очный тур в Иннополис:
- Информатика — 24–25 февраля 2018 года;
- Математика — 9-11 марта 2018 года.
Основная площадка проведения очного этапа Олимпиады – г. Иннополис, Россия. Также для участников Олимпиады по информатике будет доступна дополнительная площадка в городе Минск, Беларусь. Условия такие же, как в Иннополисе — проживание и питание во время Олимпиады за счет организаторов.
Привет всем! Дополнительно хотим сообщить, что Codeforces Round #402 (Div. 1) был проведен по задачам заключительного этапа Олимпиады. Также вы можете прорешать задачи заочных этапов прошлого года: - Тренировка первого заочного этапа - Тренировка второго заочного этапа
Hi everyone! Additionally, we would like to inform that Codeforces Round #402 (Div. 1) problems were the same as Innopolis Open 2016/2017 final problems. You may also solve the first (online) round from previous year Olympiad: gym.
Where Do I have to login?
Why is the site down/when will it be up again?
PCMS is not working for >10 minutes! Please fix this and long queue.
Dear all, there were some problems with access to PCMS. We fixed it as soon as possible. Taking into account the lost time we add additional 30 minutes to the contest. We apologize for the technical problems.
It works well and fast now. Thanks.
Also, please check my mail about personal information update.
How to solve D and E? I got 74 from D with O(n2) greedy solution, it was very easy to come up with solution, so I think 74 is much for this. Anyway, problems were nice, liked them.
Someone solved D with suffix tree.
Yeah, I thought it but tried some hashing-type things, then contest finished :P
Actually, problem wants us to find maximum lexicographic substring of size k.
maximal lexicographic string of size (n — k + 1) is what you meant. You can prove that you can always pick a valid one, and you can find the maximal using a suffix array to compare substrings in O(1).
When should we expect results?
Results are out.
How to solve C? I couldn't come up with anything.
Greedy solution works. Just choose node with maximum number of distinct colored neighbors and update it.
Why does this work? I mean if we have many choices for a node what color do we choose to paint it?
How about this one:
First, all the uncolored ones have exactly 2 possibilities so by your solution none have a priority. then, vertex 4 can only be colored with 2; if it's with color 1 there's no solution.
There is also little case for maintaining base colors — If uncolored node is not connected to some other uncolored node then I choose smallest unused color. Make graph from edges which connects 2 uncolored node for other cases, make set for each node to keep adjacent colors and check if it is possible to color node with found value after getting possible values with dfs. I didn't proved correctness this solution fully, but it intuitively seems correct.
Is the scoreboard student-only? If yes how many will qualify to the final?
Last year it was around 40, you can see last year's results here (keep in mind there is another round on the 17th).
Will the qualification decided by max(point1, point2)?
If so I suppose the second round will have roughly same difficulity as this one, will it?
Anyone knows how to edit personal info in my Innopolis account? I wanna change my region as well as my password.
Text me via email, please: olymp@innopolis.ru
Can we submit the problems anywhere later?