By snarknews, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Traditionally, SnarkNews runs two New Year Contests.

The New Year Blitz Contest (Multiple Language Round) will start at 16:00 31.12.2016 and ends at 08:00 01.01.2017 Moscow Time. Contest consists of 13 problems. Some of those problems are based on problems, used at official or training contests in 2016. Contest rules are based on the ACM system with two important modifications.

  1. Penalty time is calculated as distance between time of first successful submit for the contestant on this problem and 0:00:00 01.01.2017, i.e. successful submissions at 23:50:00 31.12.2016 and at 0:10:00 01.01.2017 will both have penalty time 10 minutes (600 seconds).

  2. Multiple Language Round rule: If for the first successful submit for the contestant on the some problem was used the programming language, which was never used by this contestant in his previous first successful submits on other problems, contestant receives language bonus: his summary penalty time is decreased by 100 minutes (6000 seconds). Note that different implementations of the same language are counting as same language, i.e. Java 6 and Java 7 are both counted as Java, C++ 32 bit and C++11 64 bit both as C++. Additionally, C and C++ are counted as same programming language.

Contest will be running on Yandex.Contest system. Link for registration and participation.

13'th Prime New Year Contest will start at 0:00 30.12.2016 and finish at 23:59 10.01.2017 Moscow time. Traditionally, Prime New Year Contest consists of problems, which were presented at team programming contests in 2016 and never solved on the contest. For the Prime New Year contest plain ACM rules are used.

Idea of Prime Contest was first implemented by Andrey Lopatin and Nick Dourov at Summer Petrozavodsk training camp at 2003; in Russian word "Prostoj" used in meanings "prime" and "easy", so, contest was called "Prostoj contest" but was composed of extremelly hard problems, numbered with prime numbers (2,3,5 etc). Since then such a numeration is traditionally used for contests, consisting of very hard problems only.

Contest will be running on Yandex.Contest system. Link for registration and participation.

Both contests have English statements. Registration is open till the end of the contest.

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By azneyes, history, 8 years ago, In English

Hello everyone,

ACM-ICPC ECNA 2016 contest finished 2 months ago. 3 teams advanced to the 2017 World Finals in South Dakota, including the team from University of Waterloo:

Waterloo Royal Blue: FatalEagle,zxqfl,y0105w49

You can learn more about them from this ICPC News Facebook post. I am one of the coaches and I look forward to meeting everyone in South Dakota next May. Good luck to Royal Blue and all other teams at Finals. We will try not to place (lucky/unlucky)? 13th for 3 straight world finals!

I have added the contest to Gym: 2016-2017 ACM-ICPC East Central North America Regional Contest (ECNA 2016). Note that there are 3 clarifications in the announcements.


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By pitfall, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello everyone

On Monday, December 19 at 19:35 MSK held Codeforces Round # 388 for participants from the Div.2. Participants from the Div.1 may participate out of the competition.

This round was prepared by Denis pitfall Bezrukov, Alexey dalex Dergunov, Vyacheslav Slamur Muravev, Egor Petruchcho Ponomarev, Pavel craus Semushin и Andrey Shlakoblock Gaidel.

For me and Slamur and Petruchcho this will be the first round. We hope that everyone will find interesting problems.

Great thanks to Gleb GlebsHP Evstropov for his help with the contest preparation and Mike MikeMirzayanov Mirzayanov for the Codeforces and Polygon systems.

UPD: You will be offered 5 problems and 2 hours for solving them.
Scoring: 500-1000-1500-2000-2500

Congratulations to the winners!


1. just29
2. tnbt
3. el_smurfo
4. SimB4
5. skydog


1. I_love_Tanya_Romanova
2. W4yneb0t
3. enot110
4. vintage_Vlad_Makeev
5. Um_nik

UPD: Editorial available here

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By fcspartakm, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces! It's me again=)

I'd like to invite you to Codeforces Round #387 (Div. 2). It'll be held on Monday, December 19 at 05:05 MSK and Div. 1 participants can join out of competition.

This round is held on the tasks of the second day of the municipal stage All-Russian Olympiad of Informatics 2016/2017 year in city Saratov. They were prepared by Olympiad center of programmers of Saratov SU.

Great thanks to Nikolay Kalinin (KAN) for helping me preparing the contest, to Tatiana Semenova (Tatiana_S) for translating the statements into English, to Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for the great Codeforces and Polygon platform and to Vladimir Petrov (vovuh), Alexey Ripinen (Perforator), Mikhail Levshunov (Levshunovma), Mikhail Piklyaev (awoo), Aleksey Slutskiy (pyloolex), Ivan Androsov (BledDest), Oleg Smirnov (Oleg_Smirnov) and Roman Kireev (RoKi) for writing solutions and editorials.

You will be given six problems and two hours to solve them. The scoring distribution will be announced later. Good luck everyone!

UPD The scoring distribution 500-1000-1500-2000-2000-2500

UPD2 Editorial

UPD3 Congratulations to the winners!

  1. 248926

  2. vigoss18

  3. haleyk100198

  4. ouch__casquinha

  5. peijinz

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By fcspartakm, history, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

I'd like to invite you to Codeforces Round #386 (Div. 2). It'll be held on Sunday, December 18 at 13:35 MSK and as usual Div. 1 participants can join out of competition. Note that round starts in the unusual time!

This round is held on the tasks of the municipal stage All-Russian Olympiad of Informatics 2016/2017 year in city Saratov. They were prepared by Olympiad center of programmers of Saratov SU.

Great thanks to Nikolay Kalinin (KAN) for helping me preparing the contest, to Tatiana Semenova (Tatiana_S) for translating the statements into English, to Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for the great Codeforces and Polygon platform and to Vladimir Petrov (vovuh), Alexey Ripinen (Perforator), Mikhail Levshunov (Levshunovma), Mikhail Piklyaev (awoo), Aleksey Slutskiy (pyloolex), Ivan Androsov (BledDest), Oleg Smirnov (Oleg_Smirnov) and Roman Kireev (RoKi) for writing solutions and editorials.

It will be a little unusual round — you will be given seven problems and two and half hours to solve them. The scoring distribution will be 500-1000-1500-2000-2500-3000-3000. Good luck everyone!

UPD Editorial

UPD2 Congratulations to the winners!

  1. IHaveShort

  2. tqyaaaaaaaang

  3. UmaThurman

  4. Moiezen

  5. FIKS_samurai

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By Lewin, history, 8 years ago, In English

Hello everyone!

Codeforces round #385 will take place at the unusual usual time of Saturday, 17 December 19:35 MSK.

Thanks to the following people for making this round possible.

As usual, contestants will have 2 hours to solve 5 problems. Hope you will enjoy the problems!

Scoring will be announced closer before the round.

EDIT: It may be helpful to read the Interactive Problem Guide before the round for both divisions.

EDIT 2: The scoring distribution will be unusual:

Div2: 500-1000-1500-2250-2750

Div1: 500-1250-1750-2250-2500

EDIT 3: While you wait for system testing, here is a quick editorial:

EDIT 4: Congratulations to the winners!


  1. tourist
  2. Petr
  3. PavelKunyavskiy
  4. YuukaKazami
  5. W4yneb0t


  1. Akulen
  2. RVS
  3. tpablo
  4. theodor.moroianu
  5. YouAndI

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By aropan, 8 years ago, translation, In English
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By kefaa, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces community!

Codeforces Round #384 for the second division will take place on Wednesday, 14 December 17:35 MSK. Traditionally, first division participants will be able to take part out of competition.

Round was prepared by Yury hloya_ygrt Shilyaev and me, Kirill kefaa Gulin.

Many thanks to Nikolay KAN Kalinin for his help with the contest preparation and Mike MikeMirzayanov Mirzayanov for the Codeforces and Polygon systems.

You will be offered 5 problems and 2 hours for solving them.

Scoring will be announced closer to the beginning of the round.

UPD: Scoring is 500 — 1000 — 1250 — 2000 — 2500

UPD2. The contest is over! Hope you enjoyed it :)


Congratulations to the winners!


  1. TheBartender

  2. Ownz

  3. lesskreker

  4. xyt520

  5. SpinyAnteater

  6. y32M-71693993

  7. ezLadder

  8. tqyaaaaaaaang

  9. Fiks_warrior

  10. 00001


  1. Um_nik

  2. kmjp

  3. Temirulan

  4. zscoder

  5. rajat1603

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By gKseni, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Code Festival 2016 was held in Tokyo on 25-30 of November. Boris qwerty787788 Minaev has shared with us his impressions, and Maxim Zlobober Ahmedov and Nicolay KAN Kalinin shared photos.

To start with, let's mention that, AtCoder and Indeed company announced the festival. How many quals were there? In what way were they arranged?
— There were 3 contests, in which you could take part. In the first part TOP-10 were selected, in the second one — TOP-5, the third one — TOP-5. To sum up, there are 20 foreigners to be selected.

Which quals the Japanese had then?
— Probably the same, but 200 participants passed the qual there.

That means, the event is more orientated on Japanese people?
— The previous years the event was held only for Japanese, this year they decided also to invite some foreigners.

How long did the contest lasted?
— It was quite short. To pass it you had to solve all the problems. It turned out that in first 15 minutes the first 3 out of 5 problems needed to be hand in, and other two are handed in later — you had to think hard on them. The foreigners had to hand in everything taking into account the penalty time.

The rules of АСМ?
— Nearly. You don't loose anything for penalty attempts, that means it's possible to submit problems any number of times

No debugging, no testing — just submit, and that's all?
— Yes, it was possible. In addition they also showed verdict on every test.

Was it clear from the very beginning that those who passed the samplings would be waited in Japan?
— Yes. They payed for the road — bought the tickets. They fed me a bit during the event. On the fifth day I was invited to the Indeed office. Indeed is the American company, which decided to open an office in Tokyo. For an hour they were talking about what the company is doing, and then there was a diner with the engineers. Five people came, three of them were Russians, who work in Yandex. They were communicating with the Russian-speaking public. They told us, that came to Tokyo because of the desire of traveling.

Organizers provided us with the access to the internet by giving routers including Sim with some already payed traffic. Comment and photo: Maxim Ahmedov

Is it true that in Japanese offices there are balconies with special plants as a recreation area?
— Exactly in the Indeed office there are no. The engineers said they reconstructed their American office here — they all came from Austin.

The competition was held in a business area of the city, which had huge office buildings made of glass and metal. Comment and photo: Maxim Ahmedov

How many days did the contest lasted?
— During 4 days, from the early morning, 8 o’clock, till 10 o'clock in the evening. The fifth day was a day off.

Sakura blossoms even in winter. Comment and photo: Nicolay Kalinin

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