I compiled a list of almost all useful blogs ever published on Codeforces

Правка en1, от parveen1981, 2021-06-02 15:07:13

- Compressed segment trees and merging sets in O(N logU)\n
- A bit more about palindromes\n
- Number Theory in Competitive Programming [Tutorial]\n
- Number of points on Convex hull with lattice points\n
- Tips on Constructive Algorithms\n
- Rerooting dynamic Euler tour trees\n
- Количество делителей n — субполиномиальная величина\n
- Extremal Triangles\n
- FFT, big modulos, precision errors.\n
- [Tutorial] Initializing Binary Indexed Trees in linear time\n
- Obtaining suffix array from suffix automaton\n
- Number of ways between two vertices\n
- Mathematics For Competitive Programming\n
- Differents approaches of solutions to the problem 246D\n
- FFT and NTT\n
- Counting the number of bitmasks in a given array that are submasks of m for every m -- why does this trick work?\n
- [Tutorial] Sack (dsu on tree)\n
- Tutorial — "Randomized" DP leading to state elimination\n
- Heavy-Light decomposition, logN на get-запрос\n
- ДП учимся видеть состояния, придумывать переход.\n
- Non-Recursive HLD Implementation\n
- [Insight] Number of Topological Orderings of a Directed Tree\n
- Do we actually need lazy propagation on segment trees?\n
- Segment Tree From The IMO\n
- DP Optimisation Problem\n
- Mo's Algorithm\n
- Wavelet tree problems\n
- MIT Theory Blog\n
- About ordered set\n
- TCR trick: Line hashes\n
- Полиморфизм и удаление массива в С++\n
- O(n) solution for 631E (Convex Hull Trick special case)\n
- Persistent segment tree ( Problems )\n
- [Hindi Video] Single Blog for all Atcoder Educational DP Contest Editorials and DP videos\n
- Understanding Fenwick Trees / Binary Indexed Trees\n
- Transform Skip list into a BIT with insert operator\n
- Маленькая хитрость для перфекционистов\n
- Мощное свойство биномиальных коэффициентов, или как сдать задачу на формулу, если последнюю не хочется выводить?\n
- String Algorithms\n
- C++ STL: Policy based data structures. Part 2\n
- Random Walk: Hard version\n
- Burnside Lemma\n
- Venice Technique\n
- What are the greatest programming tips and tricks you have learned on your own by years of coding?\n
- Suffix tree. Basics. Building in O(nlogn)\n
- Add Policy Based Data Structures in the C++ standard\n
- Game Theory Proof\n
- Fenwick tree: initialization in O(N)\n
- Vertex cover and 2-SAT\n
- The power of assert()\n
- Matrix\n
- DP on Function Calls — Remove a Log Factor\n
- Dominator Tree [Tutorial] \n
- How does dynamic memory allocation work?\n
- Fully Persistent Convex Hull Trick\n
- A range query convex hull problem\n
- Number of positive integral solutions of equation 1/x+1/y=1/n!\n
- Some method for solving RMQ\n
- Centroid Decomposition\n
- 2D Range Minimum Query in O(1)\n
- On burnside (again)\n
- Derangement Generation of an Array [Tutorial]\n
- The Tree Generator — generate different kinds of trees by simple strings!\n
- Minimum swaps to sort an array\n
- Graph Theory Concepts and Problems.\n
- Faster Dijkstra on Special Graphs [Tutorial]\n
- A Solution of the P versus NP Problem\n
- Simple but often unknown theorems/lemmas/formula? Do you know?\n
- Easy and (Semi)Efficient Dynamic Segment Trees (with Policy Hash Tables)\n
- Preparing for Computational Geometry\n
- LCA problems\n
- [Translated] Maximal Article for Suffix Automaton\n
- Online Query Based Rerooting Technique\n
- Динамическое дерево отрезков.\n
- Is the solution of this geometry problem actually optimal?\n
- Probability of creating a Cycle\n
- Чуть-чуть про ЧУ\n
- On Euler tour trees\n
- 40 years of Suffix trees!\n
- Sqrt-tree (part 2): modifications in O(sqrtN), lazy propagation\n
- Finding Bridges Tutorial\n
- Segment Tree Beats. A simpler understanding.\n
- Splay tree tutorial\n
- Tutorial on Heavy Light Decomposition + Problems\n
- [Explanation] dsu on trees (small to large)\n
- [Tutorial] Recurrent Sequences — Application of combinatorics in DP (basics)\n
- CodeHunt: A Site for Problem Filtering and User Comparison\n
- To Infinity and Beyond \n
- Interactive Problems\n
- Very useful concepts I haven't seen here\n
- One easy trick to make $$$\n
- How to solve problems\n
- Suffix tree. Ukkonen's algorithm\n
- Hirschberg's Algorithm\n
- An efficient way to map a permutation (length 11 or 12) to an integer without using std::map\n
- Fast Fourier Transform and variations of it\n
- Z Algorithm\n
- Mathematics\n
- Writing a book on geometry, need some feedback\n
- Binary search on real values\n
- Dp On Trees\n
- First Codeforces Tools Website\n
- Хэштейблы в C++11\n
- Short and important problemsolving advices required\n
- About performance of sparse tables\n
- Improving my Thinking Ability\n
- A Good Problem\n
- Mo's Algorithm (with update and without update, now you can understand both)\n
- Two-liners for triangle centers using Barycentric coordinates\n
- [Tutorial] Interview preparation guide for Google, Facebook, and other tech companies.\n
- Unknown Data Structure — (Sqrt Fragmented Tree)\n
- Tutorial on FFT/NTT — The tough made simple. ( Part 2 )\n
- Tutorial On Tof (Ternary Search)\n
- Dynamic Programming on Trees\n
- Palindromic tree\n
- An efficient way to strengthen up your segment tree.\n
- [Tutorial] Optimized solution for Knapsack problem\n
- Mindf**k of the day — rand() from c++ and Berlekamp–Massey algorithm\n
- Kőnig's Theorem\n
- C++ STL: Policy based data structures\n
- Nifty implementation of multi-dimensional Binary Indexed Trees using templates.\n
- A Bitwise Convolution Tutorial\n
- Туториал по векторизации (SSE в C++)\n
- 3D Hull with Coplanar Points\n
- Useful macro\n
- Digit DP\n
- Almost-LCA in Tree\n
- On continued fractions. Part 2: Properties and interpretation\n
- Полиномиальные хеши\n
- Optimal psychological state for programming competitions\n
- using merging segment tree to solve problems about sorted list\n
- [Tutorial]A Complete Guide on Matrix Exponentiation\n
- A Concise Solution to Problem E from Round #642\n
- Quaternion algebra and geometry\n
- Advanced Algorithms and Complexity Course\n
- Randomization tasks\n
- [Tutorial] Math note — Dirichlet convolution\n
- [Tutorial] Two ways to apply Mo's Algorithm on Trees\n
- The Fear of Gaussian Elimination\n
- Operations on polynomials (on cp-algorithms)\n
- Centroid Decomposition on a tree(Beginner)\n
- Раскрытие тайны цифрового корня.\n
- Efficient implementation of Karatsuba multiply with auto-vectorization\n
- Micro- and macro-management for your next cpp source: General tips'n'tricks\n
- Удобная функция для debug output в C++\n
- DSU with randomized linking is as fast as with rank heuristic\n
- New data structures\n
- Dynamic connectivity problem\n
- Fast modular multiplication\n
- AlgorithmsThread 5: Persistent Data Structures\n
- Tutorial on Zeta Transform, Mobius Transform and Subset Sum Convolution\n
- Flow Series\n
- "The trick from aliens"\n
- Minimum memory consumption by the segment tree\n
- How do you polar sort?\n
- Персистентная очередь и её друзья\n
- 2-SAT Tutorial\n
- Алгоритм Монтгомери: (A × B) % N\n
- Codeforces Trainings Season 1 Episode 4: Editorial\n
- Introduction to DP with Bitmasking\n
- My Course "Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures" at Harbour.Space University\n
- Palindromic tree: behind the scenes\n
- A simple sqrt decomposition solution to online FFT\n
- How do people manage both?\n
- Sums and Expected Value — part 2\n
- SQRT decomposition\n
- Recovering rational number from its remainder modulo huge integer\n
- Link-cut tree tutorial\n
- Short modular inverse\n
- The Intuition Behind NIM and Grundy Numbers in Combinatorial Game Theory\n
- Segment Tree Problems\n
- Explanation to weird/strange floating point behaviour in C++\n
- How to explain competitive programming without making it sound boring?\n
- 0-1 BFS [Tutorial]\n
- Is listening to Twice boosting cp skills?\n
- Are there any learning materials of polynomial minimum cost flow algorithms?\n
- Fractional cascading is in fact slow?\n
- [Tutorial] Nearest Neighbor Search: Locality-Sensitive Hashing, K-Dimensional Tree, Vantage-Point Tree\n
- Форд-Беллман и random shuffle\n
- An efficient way to solve some counting problems without matrix multiplication\n
- AVL tree without "big rotations"\n
- On convex hull trick and e-maxx-eng\n
- [Tutorial] Slope Trick\n
- Чему учат в ЦОППе?\n
- [Tutorial] Kinetic Tournament (Used in FBHC Round 2)\n
- Dynamic Programming Optimizations ( Problems )\n
- AlgorithmsThread Episode 6: Convex Hull Tricks\n
- On Fast Fourier Transform\n
- Easy geometry using std::complex\n
- [Tutorial] Math note — Möbius inversion\n
- Fresh and unconventional algorithms & ideas for competitive programming\n
- Bitwise operations for beginners\n
- Introducing Competitive Programming Academy\n
- O(1) runtime prime checking\n
- On suffix automaton (and tree)\n
- An interesting way of organizing the natural numbers in the tree\n
- Coding library.\n
- [Tutorial] Burnside's lemma (with example)\n
- Visualization tool for 2D problems (C++)\n
- Tutorial on Virtual/Auxiliary Trees and YouTube channel\n
- Geometry: 2D points and lines [Tutorial]\n
- What are the things that you discovered independently?\n
- scott_wu's quiz\n
- An efficient way to control energy in a contest (Part 1+2)\n
- [Tutorial] Math note — linear sieve\n
- Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization at Coursera [fully launched]\n
- Dynamic convex hull implementation\n
- AlgoWiki: A wiki dedicated to competitive programming\n
- [Tutorial] Chinese Remainder Theorem\n
- ICPC Graph Mining Challenge solution\n
- Hybrid Tutorial #-2: Centroid Decomposition\n
- Link Cut Tree implementation\n
- A brief tutorial to problem G of Hello 2019.\n
- The history of some recurring problem\n
- An alternative and very interesting approach on binary search\n
- AlgorithmsThread Ep 3: Segment Trees (+ hard ST Problem)\n
- A blog on the Sprague-Grundy Theorem\n
- [Tutorial] Range minimum query in O(1) with linear time construction\n
- DP on Trees Tutorial\n
- Variety of solutions depending on constraints\n
- [C++] basic_string\n
- Introduction to New Data Structure: Wavelet Trees\n
- Как попасть в div1, используя особенности психологии человека\n
- Anti-hash test.\n
- [Tutorial] Convex Hull Trick — Geometry being useful\n
- Implicit cartesian tree in GNU C++ STL.\n
- Randomized algorithms lecture, part 1 & 2\n
- [Tutorial] Invariants and Monovariants\n
- Original Gym contest: Geometry Special 2018\n
- Competitive programming course\n
- Easiest HLD with subtree queries\n
- Hybrid Tutorial #-1: Heavy-Light Decomposition\n
- Sqrt-tree: answering queries in O(1) with O(NloglogN) preprocessing.\n
- General Resources\n
- All you should know about comparators in C++\n
- A simple introduction to "Segment tree beats"\n
- One thing you should know about comparators — Strict Weak Ordering\n
- How to come up with problem ideas\n
- Operations on Formal Power Series\n
- MNM Cheating Algorithm\n
- A simple tool for graph vizualization\n
- Bitwise operations 2 — popcount & bitsets\n
- How to get actual 64 bit bitsets on Codeforces [Not Recommended] [Don't do this at your job]\n
- Bin search and relative error\n
- Jngen: generic library for generating testcases\n
- C++17, competitive programming edition\n
- O(n) algorithm for finding largest triangle in a convex is wrong?\n
- An awesome list for competitive programming!\n
- Lecture #3 — Exchange arguments (sorting with dp)\n
- Increase the chance of a random algorithm passing by abusing TLE verdict on Codeforces\n
- USACO Guide: Curated Resources for Competitive Programming & USACO\n
- Matrix Exponentiation tutorial + training contest\n
- ATSP constant approximation: great job, dj3500!\n
- How to sweep like a Sir\n
- Blogewoosh #2\n
- Don't use rand(): a guide to random number generators in C++\n
- [Tutorial] Matroid intersection in simple words\n
- C++ Tricks\n
- AtCoder Library\n
- Blogewoosh #1\n
- Codeforces bookmarks/Закладки Кодфорса\n
- On the mathematics behind rolling hashes and anti-hash tests\n
- How randomized solutions can be hacked, and how to make your solution unhackable\n
- Collection of useful resources over the codeforces\n
- Aho-Corasick algorithm. Construction\n
- CSES DP section editorial\n
- CSES Range Queries section editorial\n
- cses graph session editorial(incomplete)\n
- CSES Tree section editorial\n
- Efficient 3D Convex Hull Tutorial\n
- Everything on Mo's Algorithm\n
- Maintain subtree information using link/cut trees\n
- [Tutorial] Rolling hash and 8 interesting problems [Editorial]\n
- Algorithms Dead Episode 2: RMQ Tricks!\n
- Parallel Binary Search [tutorial]\n
- Tutorial on Permutation Tree (析合树)\n
- [Tutorial] Path sum queries on a tree using a Fenwick tree\n
- A short guide to suffix automata\n
- Heavy-light decompositon — it can be simple!\n
- A problem collection of ODE and differential technique\n
- Linear Recurrence and Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm\n
- Partially Ordered Sets\n
- [Tutorial] Everything about unordered_map\n
- [Tutorial] Boruvka's Algorithm\n
- Heavy-light decomposition implementation\n
- [Tutorial] Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, Part 1.\n
- C++ STL: Order of magnitude faster hash tables with Policy Based Data Structures\n
- Minima/maxima over all fixed-size arrays (multi-dimensional)\n
- Efficient and easy segment trees\n
- Algorithm Gym :: Graph Algorithms\n
- Short instruction of formulas writing (translation)\n
- How to read problem statements\n
- A problem collection (Spoiler Alert)\n
- Dynamic Programming Optimizations\n
- On Multidimensional Range Queries\n
- Tutorial on FFT/NTT — The tough made simple. ( Part 1 )\n
- Mo's Algorithm on Trees [Tutorial]\n
- A Beautiful Technique for Some XOR Related Problems\n
- An alternative sorting order for Mo's algorithm\n
- funny animations\n
- Будьте осторожны с random_shuffle\n
- Writing a book on geometry — Update\n
- [Tutorial] Searching Binary Indexed Tree in O(log(N)) using Binary Lifting\n
- [Tutorial] The DFS tree and its applications: how I found out I really didn't understand bridges\n
- Sums and Expected Value — part 1\n
- [Tutorial] Non-trivial DP Tricks and Techniques\n
- Blowing up unordered_map, and how to stop getting hacked on it\n
- How to come up with the solutions: techniques\n
- Blogewoosh #4\n
- Blogewoosh #3\n
- Blogewoosh #5 (with images from now)\n
- Geometry: Polygon algorithms\n
- General ideas\n
- Algorithm Gym :: Everything About Segment Trees\n
- [Tutorial] "1354D — Multiset" + A Gentle Introduction to Fenwick Trees\n
- Small collection of interesting semi-algorithmic meme problems\n
- [Tutorial] Generating Functions in Competitive Programming (Part 2)\n
- [Tutorial] Generating Functions in Competitive Programming (Part 1)\n
- Slope trick explained\n
- Blogewoosh #7\n
- A simple introduction to "Segment tree beats"\n
- N Dimensional Vector (For std::vector Addicts!)\n
- Cool Code Snippet for Debugging\n
- SOS Dynamic Programming [Tutorial]\n
- Tricks Which Will Increase Your Rating!\n
- Story about edge coloring of graph\n
- C++ tips and tricks\n
- Good Blog Post Resources about Algorithm and Data Structures \n
- All the good tutorials found for Competitive Programming\n
- Algorithm Gym :: Data structures\n
- Short story about palindromes\n
- Educational Round 83 problem E (Array Shrinking): O(n log n) solution\n
- Modular Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation \n
- Blogewoosh #6\n


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en18 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-23 21:51:38 195
en17 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-09 06:21:49 2
en16 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-09 06:21:15 119
en15 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-06 15:55:17 186
en14 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-06 15:53:36 244
en13 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-06 10:59:12 134
en12 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-05 11:30:56 659
en11 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-04 12:31:05 30 Tiny change: 'le="color:blue">some *bl' -> 'le="color:red">some *bl'
en10 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-04 12:21:53 6884 Tiny change: '3005)\n- [Tutorial]' -> '3005)\n- [[Tutorial]'
en9 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-03 15:15:48 188
en8 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-03 15:11:14 188
en7 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-03 14:12:01 19 Tiny change: 'any blogs from september' -> 'any blogs published since september'
en6 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-03 14:10:05 131
en5 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-03 14:09:42 236
en4 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-03 13:50:10 1434
en3 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-03 11:24:21 59016
en2 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-02 15:28:19 40 Tiny change: '-[ ' -> '**Note**: A few might not be useful.\n\n-[ '
en1 Английский parveen1981 2021-06-02 15:07:13 35155 Initial revision (published)